Discussion: Five Points:How GOP Got To A Place Where Iowa Is Between Cruz, Trump

Discussion for article #245107

  1. The Republicans have been cultivating a culture of ignorance, hate, misogyny and racism for decades. And now that those people have reached a critical mass of the republican party, their natural leaders have appeared.

You gotta love the irony. The GOP chickens of decades-long pandering to crazy hateful racists, religious bigots, misogynists and homophobes have come home to roost. Now GOPers are running around like chickens with their heads cut off wondering where all the unwelcome roosters have come from.

Feed raw meat to rats, and you’re going to get more rats. No surprise here.


My vote is for #5: This has always been a weak field of candidates. #lipstick-won’t-stick-on-pigs


This is all because Obama is the most racially divisive President in our history.
Of course, that’s because he’s a black man, and the GOP is filled with bigots, but that’s another story.

  1. Don’t care, I just love it because they are going to crash and burn.

BTW, when Donald Trump is the more charming of your two lead candidates, you have a problem.


And the biggest reason, Trump says in plain english what the GOP has been saying in code since Nixon.


“How could the people we’ve fed anti-intellectualism to for years be so stupid?!”


Off topic but is it weird that Cruz has his hand in his suitcoat for the pledge? Does he think he’s Napoleon?


I think one very important factor has been omitted here. That would be a news media that has been obsessed with Trump’s campaign. It has to benefit a campaign when it has been elevated to the Second Coming of Christ status by the media.


It gives him pleasure


Yep, and as they have purposefully cultivated ignorance, code was less and less understood.

After almost 8 years of a Black man in the White House, the republican base needs a nominee to spew their hatred. Trump has obliged and done all but say the N-word.

I’m not sure Trump is as hateful as the Trump character he plays, but that doesn’t matter.


They also failed to realize there were a large part of the party that may say they are “Christian” but never go to church.


I forgave “lightening rod” but stopped reading at “pedaling”.


Bush surprised everyone as a wobbly and out-of-practice candidate.

Really? Everyone was surprised?


I don’t think you’re giving Trump enough credit. He is a master at gaining attention, getting closer to the line (without crossing it) than anyone thought possible. You can’t blame the media for covering the #1 GOP candidate when he does outrageous things.


I’m curious to see the numbers of how many watched the Trump-less debate last night. I haven’t seen anything, yet.


Something is missing from this analysis. Republicans are still aghast and thoroughly unnerved that a black man won the Presidency, TWICE!! It galls them one of “those people” doesn’t know their place in the pecking order. A damned nigger climbed the ladder to leader of the free world. They’re every bit as freaked out and pissed off about it today as they were in '08. So, what to do about it? Well, for starters they want to be damned sure the person they nominate commits to being as cruel and exclusionary and dismissive of “The Other” as possible. Blacks, Hispanics, LGBT, Atheists, Muslims, academia/scientists and women need put in their place. Donald Trump, to one degree or another, has loudly committed to doing just that. He criticizes, demonizes, belittles and dismisses every group I’ve named (OK, he lays off the LGBT for the most part). Analysts can pore over the tea leaves until their eyes bleed, but this election is about returning the nation to it’s rightful rulers; thuggish, militaristic white men. Trump is the most popular candidate for GOP citizens. It can’t be because of policy, he has none. But he is blatantly a xenophobe, a racist, a misogynist, and anti-intellectual. He is appealing directly to tens of millions sharing all those traits.


The coverage of Trump by Big Media has been obsessive and I think that displays where these bastards want this country to go. They are giving him 10’s of millions of dollars of free advertising and then wondering what is fueling his popularity. And they know this. And ratings and money is driving it. And they do it anyway. Corruption at its finest. If Sanders does start to pick up steam in the next few weeks expect the media freakout to go into hyper drive. Big Media has pretty clearly shown they are in the bag for Trump. If they weren’t they would not be doing what they are doing. It’s as simple as that.