The political news media has covered Trump like he is a rock star rather than a presidential candidate. Donald Trump isn’t to blame for the news media’s lack of journalistic ethics and standards. That’s entirely on the media.
I think Trump is like a lot of white folks that have treated black relatively nicely, but deep inside they have always thought they are just inferior people. And now that he suddenly realizes that non whites will soon be in control of the US he feels like he needs to quit being nice, start saying what he’s thought but kept inside all this time, and try to maintain white control of the US.
I think you point out something that’s both simple in it’s being but absolutely essential to understand: Yes, the GOP has been cultivated to be stupid, racist, lowlife thugs, etc. but prior to having a Black man in the WH, it could be kept to one’s self, contained in some way.
Now, that venom needs to be verbalized loudly and Rump is more than happy to do so. The base NEEDS to have all of it come to the front so everyone can see, so they can roll around in it and rub it in their hair. The GOP doesn’t care how the rest of the country or the world for that matter, sees this. They. do. not. care.
They WANT everyone to know how they feel regardless of whether it’s a winning platform.
Trump or Cruz? Hmmmmmmmm! ___ Choices, choices! It must be just like asking yourself: “Which STD would be just perfect for me!” … Good luck with that Repukes’! YOU built that.
Love the picture.
Trump: "My wallet is right here…and it’s YOOOOOGE’!"
Cruz: "This is how Napoleon would do it!"
Today, RepubliCONS are really too dumb to understand the underlying code of racism and ignorance that has pervaded their party for more than four decades. Now, they need the most overt fascist and racist person to run as they are in a cloud of ignorance and need to be led by the reins.
Trump is just pulling the mask completely off the conservative movement which was born from, and is sustained by white resentment.
Conservatism isn’t a movement based on core principles and beliefs, conservatism is an expression of white anger, and Trump embodies that attitude better than any other candidate.
small government = leave me alone so I can shit on all the people of color I want with little to no interference (anger)
big military = there’s a lot of scary black/brown people out there and we need to carpet bomb their ass (anger)
tax cuts = help the rich (perceived to be mostly white) and screw the poor (perceived to be mostly black and brown) - anger
What’s hilarious though is that Trump really doesn’t believe what he’s saying, but he’ll gladly ride the wave. I’ll even go as far to say that Trumps supporters know that he’s bullshitting them. I think Trumps supporters simply enjoy the shit he’s starting on a daily basis because conservatism isn’t about a core set of beliefs, it’s about white anger.
His heart is two sizes too small, so he has trouble finding it through multiple layers.
Not sure what you mean. Trump has led the polls since he announced. Do you believe the media put him there in the first place? It seems to me that others like Bush and Paul have had a great deal more coverage than their poll numbers suggest they deserve. As I recall, Carson got a lot of coverage when he was ahead. What “ethics and standards” were broken? I think the media is generally lazy, biased, and myopic. But it’s not clear to me that they’re to blame for this mess, no matter how often the GOP says so. Or that it’s unethical to cover the frontrunner, however dismaying.
We know how Harry met Sally. We just wonder why the fake orgasms are increasing in tempo with little more than bland acceptance from the restaurant critics?
I mean, The Trumptator hauls out what appears to be a former member of a Greek junta with winter night time shades and a clone wife suspiciously identical to the Trumptator’s latest Slavic Stepford and the national press, from what I’ve observed this morning, fails to see past the rotting carcasses of Huckabee and Santorum to note what every God & gov’mint-fearing citizen in the TV audience saw.
I was about to endorse Cruz, but now that I know he’s a lightening rod, new questions come to mind. What things is his rod lightening? Beer? Sugar? Animals? Is his lightening rod powerful enough to turn Ben Carson into a white man? Is it battery-powered, or does it have to be plugged in? Does he have to pedal it?
See, I’m not sure it is so much he gets to the edge of the line “without crossing it” as it is whenever he crosses what we use to think was the line we find another line even deeper in the cesspool of right-wing thought and politics and that line becomes the new line.
Trump has also been a bit of a train wreck, and the media knows that fascinates people. TPM keeps covering him, and HuffPost put his candidacy on the entertainment page. Why? Because a disaster of these proportions is astounding. With anything like this, you logically don’t want to look, but you instinctively do because a survival mode insists you need to ascertain how it could affect you.
Every time I see him do that, I thought the same thing!
Off to Elba for you teddy! Or Vancouver, whichever works!
That, or he’s playing with his nipple…
Because there’s a cohort of Republicans who’ve grown up on nothing but Fox and Rush. They’ve learned everything they know from entertainers, whose job is to attract an audience for peddlers of annuities, whole life insurance, gold contracts and memory-vitamin supplements. It was inevitable that people would get pissed off after being used and lied to for 30 years, with no significant health, wealth or cultural achievement to show for it all. Rump is nothing if not an opportunist.
I thought the Vice President summed up the demon-beset GOP situation nicely with the “gift from the Lord” remark.
Trump also has received an unprecedented amount of media attention since he’s announced, especially for an early frontrunner. He has received more coverage than all the other candidates combined. And he has received that coverage solely because of the outrageous shit he says. How much coverage does the media devote to Trump’s lack of detail about his policy proposals? Very little, if any. Why? Well, in my opinion it’s because the media has abandoned its journalistic responsibility in a pursuit of ratings and page views.
'How tRUMP and FOX News Ended-up Having Their Cake and Eating TOO!"…
This WHOLE Trump v Fox publicity stunt meltdown was a win/win for Trump and FOX…
Aside from their STUNT, I would ask of our VETS…How can a man like Trump insult our VETS…which he did when he INSULTED John McCain…TURN around and NOW supports our VETS.? At some point their needs to be accountability for WHAT this man says.
He’s an AH. There’s is always an angle, there is always a twist. Now he wants to support our VETS, now he has the Donald Trump Foundation, who will hold the money for which group they decided to give the money too. Seriously folks WHY the strings? Funny thing, Bill Clinton has a Foundation ya know…Donald Trump will say just about anything to move forward to the Presidency…
I will pat myself on back for NOT watching either STUNT. Seriously, if you are a Republican and love your country and can’t find away to vote Democrat…THEN STAY HOME AND DON’T VOTE.
BTW, my husband is a RETIRED VET and said and I quote…
“Donald Trump, take your MOMEY and SHOVE IT!”
We saw this phenomenon play out with dems in 2008 as well, but in a much different way.
After 8 years of an absolute unintelligible moron in the WH, democrats responded to the candidate who best captured the base’s frustration with the dumbing down of the presidency and the simplistic politics.
Obama’s eloquence and capacity for nuance was so powerful of a contrast that it essentially called out W’s stupidity without saying it.
It think this phenomenon plays to Bernie benefit this year. His style contrast to the president is to be more direct, and less careful. (i do not begrudge Obama for this, it was necessary, First Black President is a heavy burden to carry)