Discussion: Five GOPers Whose Statements About The Nunes Memo Didn't Quite Pan Out

The comments section at The Hill is a cesspool of the worst kind of idiocy, lulz trolls and Russian agitators. It’s also completely pointless to truly try and read or participate when there are thousands of comments to scroll through. However, it does provide an opportunity to see the daily flavor of crazy that is going around.


None of those five representatives seem smart enough to be able to spell ‘fizzle’.

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Okay, maybe the Waco Affair is too far back.

How about the Clorox Affair? That one was about 10 ½ years ago?

Remember when the GOP was all excited cause they’d found ‘evidence’ of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? They couldn’t wait to ram it into the Democrats’ faces. So they held a big hearing on it?

Then it turned out to be a bunch of rusting junk from the late 80s when Iraq had a big fight with Iran. You could almost hear the derisive laughter. Then-Congressman Curt Weldon (who was later canned by his Pennsylvania constituents partly because of this very hearing) was enraged with weapons inspector David Kay, when Kay characterized the chemical weapons they had found to be less toxic that something under the kitchen sink.


He’s up for re-election in a rural district that is heavily Latino. His support for Trump’s immigration/deportation policies won’t make him terribly popular. It’s also a district that’s been heavily targeted for voter registration by several activist groups— not the Democratic Central Committee of Californoia.


Nunes is not popular in his local paper. Maybe the clock is ticking faster than he thinks.



I have a feeling this is going to be one of the most frustrating times politically in my life. Because no matter how transparently stupid the Memo was, no matter how flawed, no matter how bad these performances are… The Administration is gonna go after Mueller.


Well Nunes didn’t want to submit it on a cocktail napkin…


It’s all of 4 pages long. To Trump, that’s like reading Tolstoy.


Never ones for understatement, are they?

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Jim Jordan was on with Chuck Todd saying things like the fisa warrant (which he didn’t read) neglected to mention that Democrats paid Steele who paid Russians for the information–because “what else was he going to do with that money?” (Um, bank it?) And that he was paying the Russians off to collude with Hillary. (Chuck seemed taken aback by this) And that the FBI “fired” Steele because he was leaking to the press. (I wasn’t aware he ever worked for the FBI)
He was frothing.


So much crazy in one article. Can’t tell the players without a scorecard. They’re all so bad and indistinguishable from one another…the bomb-throwing hysterics and their utter uselessness when it comes to doing anything right to protect the country and our system of government. They’re ignorance is only superseded by their desire to serve themselves while in office, and nothing more.

To hell with all these GOPers. Its the bloody weekend…and this one in particular is built on junk food, cowboy caviar, sports hype, a puppy bowl and hopefully a good half-time show. I’ve had my fill of this political drama for now.

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Absolutely. People keep talking about obstruction, and that certainly happened, but Mueller has so much more on him that obstruction isn’t even worth mentioning.

“Part of me wishes that I didn’t read it …" You didn’t. Because IF you did and looked at even ONE timeline out there you would know this is total BS…but always you want to rush out and be ‘presidential’. You are nothing but a big mouthed hypocritical fraud. Tea Party my butt.

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You see? THIS is why I come here to TPM, so many professionals and specialists!

I just assumed he had been beaten badly about his head by an ugly stick!


I agree on the indictments. If the House will not impeach, then the courts will have to decide.

Totally agree with your statement…strong cases, fully documented. Trump has run a crime family for years before he stupidly got himself elected. His world will come crashing down and hopefully take the GOP with him.


This is what fetal alcohol syndrome looks like when it grows up.


Those same militianoids would also go on about Ruby Ridge. Refer to the ATF and FBI as “jackbooted thugs” and even conflate the two incidents though that happened in 1992, a year before Waco and under the H.W. Bush administration.

I agree with them. It’s shockingly disgusting and much worse than Watergate. Trump, Pence, Sessions, Ryan, and McConnell need to be impeached as soon as possible.

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"Later, in a tweet, he said, “This report needs to be released — now. Americans deserve the truth.”

Well, this report isn’t going to be “the truth” but yes, we DO deserve the truth.

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