Discussion: Five GOPers Whose Statements About The Nunes Memo Didn't Quite Pan Out

Fucking idiots each and every one. These are the kind of dumb-shits who would, in different circumstances, enroll in Trump University.

There is a collective madness here that is breathtaking.

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I’ll have you know I have been a member of the Church of the SubGenius since its inception in 1979. I found an order form in Zap Comix, (if my stoned memory serves) and sent in my $2.

I am an ordained minister for the church. I was hoping for Pope, but I wasn’t sub enough.


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You really have to give a lot of credit to Nunes! He kept the memo relatively short despite the many suggestions he received as input…

“President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!”
Trump tower meeting was about “adoption of Russian children”
“14 percent of noncitizens are registered to vote.”
“Hillary Clinton lied many times to the FBI.”
"Hillary Clinton “wants to essentially abolish the Second Amendment.”
Climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese
I never mocked a disabled reporter.
You don’t find out much from tax returns.

This could go on for days…

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He is on the list of seats the DCCC is targeting for this year. As is his in state neighbor Issa.

He is right, you know. This memo is probably the last nail in the Obstruction of Justice coffin. Mueller is practically buried in evidence now. And yes, just like Watergate, many of these clowns will, eventually, go to jail.

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I don’t think an indictment is coming soon for President Trump. Mueller is going to build (probably several on various fronts) airtight case(s) against Trump before he drops any indictment on him. Right now, he is rolling people up in that process.

As of today, from what we know publicly, there are still several key people who have not flipped that Mueller would want for this sort of case…namely Manafort and Kushner. He also doesn’t have Hicks yet, which will be important for the eventual cases against Trump, but i feel like that noose is tightening on her fairly quickly.

My own feelings are that Manafort is going to be a tough nut to crack…he has life threatening pressures to not cooperate going against him.

Hicks will flip, she has the most exposure to everyone else’s stories, as she sees all communication, and is constantly in the room. When their stories don’t jive, Hicks is caught in the middle.and none of her stories are going to jive.

Kushner is still the interesting one in the deck to me. I am fairly confident that Mueller can drop indictments on him for multiple issues at anytime, but he probably wants to string him along to see if he can pressure him to flip…because that brings pressure on the Ivanka angle which directly pushes Donald’s buttons. I still don’t have a solid feel for which way Ivanka will eventually break on that, but I do think that Kushner isn’t ready to contemplate severing that tie yet, and its a possibility that he will have to deal with if he flips.

The problem with indicting Donald on money laundering (or anything) crimes from before he was running for President, is twofold. First, it means Mueller has to fight the big Constitutional fight about whether or not a sitting President can be indicted on criminal charges. I think there is a good chance we will see that fight, but not about something not related to the campaign, transition or conduct in the WH. Second, it opens Mueller up to attacks that there was nothing there to start with, and now he is on a fishing trip. And provides an easy out for uncomfortable republicans to not vote to impeach.

Mueller has to get Trump on specific charges related to the election collusion with Russia or Obstruction related to that. Digging into his financial past is a sort of a trap to get him to commit even more obvious obstruction actions.


He indicts everybody but PP on everything, PP is unindicted co-conspirator. He indicts PP only on several counts of obstruction that occured while he was in office. I think Mueller wins that at the SC.


That is basically the playbook Jaworski used, with the plan being to eventually indict the President as well. It creates massive pressure on Donald and pretty much forces a negotiation for leaving office. And creates the sort of compelling case to Congress to move forward with impeachment.


And you do realize trump himself is the prize graduate of the Sarah Palin school of government

Release the Memo-Not Really! DOH!

These goons bluffed, then called their own bluff and right now at this moment, are searching for a new bluff to recoup their losses.

Its the old, bluff/rebluff strategy with the all new ad infinitum agent.

These 5 clowns are just total f**king morons and that applies to the morons who voted for them.

Do we have enough jail cells to hold all who are aiding and abetting Trump’s obstruction of justice?

Trump’s acolytes are finding out that crying wolf has consequences.

Ruby Ridge used to be their powder keg.until the Waco Affair, which sparked that nut McVeigh into killing all those people in Oklahoma City.
Some years back, I got into a fight with a doofus about Waco because I’d read both the Scruggs and Danforth reports on the thing and he was trying to spread his mythology… Every time he tried to make one of his ‘points’ I’d pop up and refute it. Had him literally screaming with rage at me to shut up as the crowd laughed at him.

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My favorite was when he claimed that one of the Davidians had been run over a tank as he tried to flee the fire. I told him that is horseshit squared. One, there were never any tanks at Waco, none, and two, I had just read this particular guy’s autopsy report, which said he had been shot right between the eyes, making the possibility of him running in front of a tank a real poser.