Tonight he sleeps with the fishes…
…so many back to stab--------and not enough knives…all used up on we, the people.
GOP trying to clean up small mess…
Hans Brinker to Washington, stat! The dike is springing holes!!!
Once again, Trump and Ryan’s decision to force Amash to vote for AHCA out of spite is paying dividends. A real Speaker (cough, Pelosi, cough) would never have allowed this to happen.
Well, I guess we know who McCain had dinner with last night. It’s better to make these comments in a group, then the leadership can only peel off and kill the weakest one while the rest get away.
I would start looking to point fingers at Ryan and McConnell.
Must happen, but while Trump is crazy what is Pence’s excuse?
Not yet. Mr. Trump has not destroyed enough yet. He still has a base of support that needs to change. There needs to be enough damage and carnage that the huge flushing sound will be the Republicans in 2018 who supported this walking-talking-lying-obfuscating-bragging disaster.
The damage needs to be bad enough that there is institutional memory for generations so this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.
What are the odds that Trump will defect to Russia once he realizes Congress actually might impeach and remove him?
@dave48 What are the odds that Trump will defect to Russia once he realizes Congress actually might impeach and remove him?
As the math wonks like to put it: Non-zero.
“If the allegations are true, yes. But everybody in this country gets a fair trial, including the president.”
“…except for Hillary Clinton, of course. We’d have railroaded her out of office on fabricated charges during her first week in office.”
indeed. You’ll notice Pence has completely vanished, mostly because he knows if the stink gets on him he’ll never get it off.
After this guy, le deluge!
Swamp drains you!
Actually, the possibility of impeachment of Pence exists too, since he appears only somewhat less obstructive of justice. If you recall he has appeared complicit in much of Trump’s conduct. Pence claimed Flynn lied to him about Kislyak contacts when it is evident given the timeline that he knew all about Flynn’s activities before he claimed he knew. Also he echoes all of Trump’s obstructions and lies thus aiding and abetting them. Of course, we must get at all the facts to determine what he knew and when, in what meetings he participated, etc. before he is impeachable, but he is not out of the woods by any stretch.
Russians don’t want him either. Why else would they release those damning photos of Trump yukking it up with their guys in the Oval Office? I wonder if Putin has decided Trump the ally is far too dangerous and not in their best interest either even though Pence is anti Russian… but more importantly stable.
Don’t be so sure. If Trump promised to transfer a certain amount of money into Putin’s account, I’m sure Putin would be very accommodating. Also, imagine how much information Trump could give the Russians (assuming he remembers and understands anything he’s been told since becoming President).
The stink is on Pence already: he’s been doing far too much lying for Trump ( as well as bring lied to) to withstand any serious investigation.
I doubt this will cause an impeachment, Donald could just issue a statement like
“Due to my inexperience in politics and public administration, I inadvertently made, what could appear as an illegal request to the FBI Director Comey in order to help a former employe. I regret this mistake and will try not to do it again.”
Will he do it ? NO !