Discussion: Fiorina:

Discussion for article #240175

And on the other hand we have Francis I.


Understandable, I suppose. When you’re living the good life off your golden parachute and trying to gather some support from right-wing crazies with no remaining humanity, what else would you say?


Let’s get rid of that nice little plaque on the Statue of Liberty and just put up a big “Keep Out!” sign. Eh what, Republicans?


“You know, I’d buy her a parachute if I knew it wouldn’t open.”

[Thanks, Groucho]


Good Christian woman.


I wonder where Fiorina’s ancestors were from and why they came to the US… She should be thankful people like herself did not get their way back then…


Fiorina claims to be a non-church-going Episcopalian, married to a Catholic. Perhaps her husband can tell her what the Pope says about this. I will inform her of what the Archbishop of Canterbury says:

Archbishop of Canterbury: ‘don’t demonise immigrants’


Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said
that the United States cannot relax its criteria for Syrian refugees.


And here I was-- under the impression that Syrian and Afghan refugees shared common cause.



Excuses, excuses. A world in crisis and the Pope has challenged European parishes to take in these refugees. Iceland, one of the most ravaged country’s the last decade’s financial debacle has opened it’s doors to over a 100,000 and her people have by the ten of thousands said, “come stay in our homes where we will give you shelter, food and support to get you on your feet.” Some nations, like Fiorina are turning their backs, while others consider refugees part of the human family of the world. The U.S. claims to be a Christian Nation (wrongly, but the GOP repeatedly makes the claim). What would Christ do? Would he not instruct us to be our brothers keeper, to rescue these people in flight for their lives, to feed, clothe, heal and support them as the victums they are. There but for the grace of God, are we. America is always talking about winning the hearts and minds of Middle Easterners. Compassion, grace and tangible help win hearts not forceful power. Soldiers, weapons and raw power create the problems. The grownups in this country have lost the courage to be human, to demonstrate compassion, and to embrace those different from us, which makes us not leaders of the world, but contributors to the problems.


Ha the “get off my lawn” party speaks. Funny how WE helped create these refugees yet the GOP wont allow them b/c “thanks Obama”


Hey is the one on the right single?


I’ve always seen this woman as nothing more than a heartless bitch. She continues to reinforce that view for me every time she opens her mouth.


It wouldn’t really matter - at least to her.

You see, her people were the “good kind.” Not terrorists, not brown or Black, not liberal or worse, communist. They were welcome here because they deserved to be free and live a good life.

Not like the others.

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Why then can Germany “relax” its entrance criteria? She is one stone cold bitch.

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Yes, Carly, those people from “war-torn regions”. Gotta be careful and suspicious about them, especially that one Middle Eastern guy named Benjamin Netanyahu who tried to undermine the legally elected President of the United States.
And I still say Carly Fiorina is just Rick Santorum in drag. And Rick - tone down the cheek rouge, honey. You look like you’ve been bitch-slapped by one of the Duggar boys.

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Ralph, you’re such a marxist…


Also will likely never sh^t on 30,000 employees.



Since the Civil War in Syria began in 2011 the US has only allowed 1,500. Since 2013, the US has only accepted 36 applications from Syrian refugees into the US according to The Guardian. In comparison, Germany is willing to accept 800,000.

Lady Liberty weeps.


Did the woman’s botox injections affect her brain as well? They sure killed the compassionate part of being a conservative.

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