Discussion: Fiorina Camp Passes On Attacking Clinton Over 'Strangle' Comment

Discussion for article #242702

Are the Teatrolls running for POTUS against the MSM?

Fucking absurd. Fact: the MSM is their proxy target bogeyman onto which they’ve projected all the pent up resentment and frustration, hate and anger towards reality for not bending to their will and obeying their ideology. After all, who could possibly be more at fault for reality’s recalcitrance…nay, outright disobedience…than the people who keep pointing it out?

It’s like watching people yell at the fire for projecting the wrong things at the cave wall.


The whole thing is a fake pie fight encouraged by a bored press.


Probably because too many ex-HP employees will come out of the woodwork eager to tell their stories to anyone who will publicize them.


[quote=“Sniffit, post:2, topic:28807”]
Are the Teatrolls running for POTUS against the MSM?
[/quote] Yes. But they always have. Which has pushed MSM to constantly trade in false equivalencies.


Bet you a dollar Carly’ll say she saw a live baby getting eviscerated in the HRC video. “Save its brain!! We need the brain!!”

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I understand his rage. I want to strangle her too every time I hear her condescend about how much she values life and the lives of the people she has employed as long as it does not interfere with the corporate jet budget… and I was never fired by her.


Shouldn’t she be sent back to the early debate group?


Fiorina Camp Declines To Criticize Clinton For Laughing At ‘Strangle’ Remark

I thought it was,

“Clinton declines to strangle laughing Fiorina for critical remark at camp.”

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Ding ding ding! They’re also afraid that if they raise a stink about HRC laughing at a supporter’s non-threat to strangle Fiorina through the TV, they might have to answer to the fact that one of Fiorina’s supporters used “black Muslim” as a pejorative and Fiorina laughed it off as if she agreed.


This is what I hate about silly season. It is all so stupid, especially when you realize, Carly, Carson and probbly Trump won’t even be in the picture in a couple of months.


She’s already in trouble for detailing a video that never existed. If she makes a big deal out of this, she will be known as a Class A Crybaby.

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Wow. I’d be happy with just punching her in the face. So as not to be labeled a misogynist, It would give me pleasure to punch the rest of the Republican nominees in the face. Maybe not Kasich though.


I’m just not sure that at least one of those people won’t still be in the picture. I really wouldn’t be surprised if two out of the three are still around, and I’m not even sure I’d be surprised if all three were hanging in there.


Every time I hear Fiorina’s voice, I hear the sound of fingernails scratching a painted wall.

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Well, personally, I decline to care.

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Dry, chalky milk. Sorta like Milk of Magnesia.

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Which is why all but the eventual ÂŽ nominee is not fit for HRC to reply to.




Totally agree