Discussion: Finally, A Budget Deal Is Here

Discussion for article #243825

“Rhino! Rhino! Rhino!” They screamed …

The legislation has not been dropped publicly yet.

Looking forward to the details.

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Coincidence he announces this while the bagger base of the party is distracted by the Las Vegas carnival?


A budget deal for longer than a week? I am impressed. The Teahadists in Congress must’ve been out drinking.


… a major tax extender package that will fund the government through most of the 2016 election cycle.

Anything wrong with this picture?

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So what does ‘most of’ mean? 'Til November? But…good for him if it passes.


I agree, so not going to comment on it much.

Except to say that I will hand it to Ryan. Holding the meeting while the debate was on probably stifled quite a bit of argument. Everyone wanted to get out of there.

But he probably only delayed the screaming. Unless of course he is calculating that there will be more screaming for our side and it drowns out the problems with the Freedumb Caucus.


It’s downright brilliant. The new cycle is going to be crammed with debate spin and analysis for the next 48 hours so it’s going to maybe just maybe sneak through.

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I have to hand it to the Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver on this one. Freshly installed as the new Republican SOTH, and his first accomplishment is to make John Boehner look like an impotent, drunken, tearful failure, while at the same time effectively enraging every Tali-bagger extremist in Congress. Nicely done, ZEGS, nicely done.


Both parties sold us out to the oil companies! Now we just have to sit back and wait to see when and how much gasoline prices are going to go up!

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It means until September, because that’s when the fiscal year ends.


Thank you! And now that our fuel prices will start to go up, prices on groceries and other staples will keep on rising … you know, just like they’ve kept on rising even through fuel prices have tanked over the last few years. The corporate-head honchos make out like bandits either way while the average joe and the poor pay for their largess. Disgusting.


What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rino?

An Ell-if-I-know.


Yup. So let’s hope that the Dems can at least make it clear that that was a GOP demand. (Yeah, I know…) And I’ll be eager to see if they managed to lose the Dodd-Frank evisceration provisions…


Hmmm…why do I feel like I/we just got fucked by a schmuck…? any time a republican opens his mouth to tell us they got some of their policies, I shudder to think how we have lost to the corporations…

Republicans want to make America energy-independent by giving our oil to foreigners.


If it continues the sequester it is a non-starter for me

“… including lifting the ban on exporting domestic crude oil…”

So, THAT’S all the Rethugs are getting out of this? I mean, I was under the impression they wanted PP’s head on a platter and Syrian refugees physically thrown into the Atlantic with no life jackets. I don’t the Rethug base is gonna be happy with this at all. On the other hand, everyone here is right: Ryan let this info out at the most opportune time. I think when the “Freedom Caucus” gets a chance to really digest this, they won’t be happy at all.

Hence the descriptor “crap sandwich.”

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