Discussion: Few Answers For Thousands Of Families Already Separated By Admin Policy


Trump and the GOP don’t care. They’ll claim they kept us secure.



In addition to the trauma the abducted children are already suffering, “[T]he former head of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement told NBC News that migrant parents separated from their children at the border are sometimes unable to relocate their child and remain permanently separated.” - NBC News

The short version is, once separated, the children and the parents are in entirely different administrative systems with different case numbers and time lines. This is what the Carrot Cockholster’s policy dumped these people into: a morass that none will escape unscathed and some not at all.

Malevolence tempered by incompetence used to be the single watchword of this administration – evil intent blunted by poor conception and execution – but now incompetence is becoming a feature rather than a bug: evil, whipsawing policies outside bureaucratic experience, piling inadequacy on top of complexity on top of inertia on top of chaos, driving victims mad as they are destroyed with vanishing prospects of ever being made whole.


DHS now says that the EO does not cover the children already separated so for them, NOTHING CHANGES! No planned reunifications. Nothing. The EO is so deceptive.


These stories are only going to get worse, and it won’t be long before the lid is completely blown off of what’s being perpetrated here.

The only person who can compete with this story now is Mueller.

Any time now, Bob …


Chris Hayes is calling out the problems, loopholes, and BS in Trump’s executive order (as Josh did earlier). His guest Andrew Cuomo has it right: the EO is a press release, not a real change.


“It’s not just that they’re getting separated,” she said. “It’s that no one is telling these parents where their kids are, what sort of care they’re getting, when they’re going to see them again.”

At least the Nazis kept meticulous records of their atrocities.

The Brachydactyl Gang just couldn’t be bothered.

Trump: All of the Depravity; None of the Work Ethic.


Here comes the cluster fuck. The border cops and Trumper’s are zealots. Not mangers or competent administrators. It’s comical to think any of them thought ahead and made plans to get these families back together in the event the best laid plans of men ended up where they often do. This was all about the macho. The tough. No brains included. Now that crew of scatterbrained pseudo tough guys find themselves with an organizational obligation. Let the cluster fuck begin.


We’ve got a lot of work to do to support the ACLU and Avenatti law suits and find ways to force open DHS to get this process going.

DHS needs to have a court master appointed to supervise this. I would personally ask that local social services orgs who have kids released to foster care take a lead work with the states to matchup kids/parents to help targeting release efforts to reunite families more quickly.

I also want to take it one step further. We have a non-functional government that has a POTUS not fulfilling the oath of office and a wider exec branch that is unable to fulfill constitutional duties to uphold the law. I think public protests are needed to pressure DHS to give up control of facilities to state gov’ts. This challenges Federal supremacy clauses and there are other risks involved, but I just don’t trust that this gov’t is going to treat kids well. At minimum the public pressure will force media to investigate and perhaps get more leakers from inside of these facilities. The Feds subcontract all the time. Why not subcontract to the state or county public health agency?


OT but these people are cowards


Traumatized orphaned children?

Minor minor collateral damage to the GOP…


No words.


I can’t imagine why they would refuse to talk Latino Elected and Appointed Officials.


On a May 29 call with reporters in which he discussed the change, Steven Wagner, an HHS official whose department oversees ORR, dismissed concerns that undocumented potential sponsors may be unwilling to submit data to DHS.

“If somebody is unwilling to claim their child from custody because they’re concerned about their own immigration status, I think that, de facto, calls into question whether they’re an adequate sponsor and whether we should be releasing a child to that person,” Wagner said.

Wagner is playing God, isn’t that Trump’s job? No really who in their right mind would trust anyone in this maladministration with personal data?


An astonishing compendium of delusional outbursts and polemics cheered by the Trumpazoans. And did I mention he lies frequently and unrepentently?



The EO will be good for about 20 days, if I read the reporting correctly. So yeah, once again PP signs something with his Sharpie, has a photo op with some minions in attendance, and then bupkus.


I don’t envy DD being assigned to follow PP’s droppings.


So Trump is the Rodney Dangerfield of Presidents? There is something similar in their voice patterns.


But he does such a fine and objective job of it. I really like this guy.

“My wife only has sex with me for a purpose; last night she used me to time an egg.”