Discussion: Feinstein: 'Arrogant' For Netanyahu To Say He 'Speaks For All Jews' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #233813

Netanyahu is a politician first. The GOTP for him are just ā€˜useful idiotsā€™ that he can use to further his goals. I still believe that most Jewish-Americans see the recklessness of Bibiā€™s policies and also see through the pandering of the Republican Party.


Thereā€™s an interesting read in the online Israeli YNET. Ex-Mossad chief Meir Dagan is against Netanyahuā€™s speech. His interview covers so much more. Linkā€¦ http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4631634,00.html


As usual, DiFi is trying to have it both ways: She thinks Bibi LeStrangeā€™s insistence that he speaks for all Jews is ā€œarrogantā€, and yet she will attend the speech.

The wrong Senator from California is retiring!


You said itā€¦ Iā€™m co-signing.


ā€œWhether this political move can be effective or not, I donā€™t know, but itā€™s not helpful,ā€

Itā€™s remarkable how this same statement can be applied to Feinsteinā€™s decision to attend anyway.


Just because she doesnā€™t agree with him doesnā€™t mean she shouldnā€™t stay informed.

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there wonā€™t be video or a transcript? by attending she supports him


Dana Bash is Jewish too. Feinstein should have turned around and asked herā€¦Does he speak for you too? Idiots. The both of them. Feinstein shouldnā€™t reward rightwing political calculus, which sheā€™s already identified and acknowledged, by dignifying or rewarding Bibā€™s speech with her presence. Sheā€™s wrong about this, but sheā€™s always been way too stubborn and thick-headed for my taste. She seems a lot like the female version of Joe Lieberman. Too gung-ho for active military action in the MiddleEast. Not my cup of tea for a Democratic Senator. I would think, California can do a lot better and find themselves an actual progressive for that job when the time comes.


I am, however grateful, for several reasons, that Feinstein does not ā€œintend to jump up and down.ā€

I know that sheā€™s not entirely ruling it out- she may be overtaken by an irresistible urge- but her intent signals a tremendous concession.

Oh, thank you, Diane.


Sheā€™s more of dumbass than a hothead. Thatā€™s her going to bat for Obama. lmao Itā€™s just like how she went to bat for the American public against the intelligence apparatus. Letting the intelligence agencies go wild then sheā€™s butthurt when they treat her and her staff like any other American and hack their computers and monitor them. Sheā€™s an idiot. How many times did she allow herself to be rolled out on to a newsroom floor over the years defending all the bullshit the NSA and CIA does domestically? DINO Feinstein needs to lose her job. Lieberman is more of an attention whore, with his two girlfriends Wrong Way McCain and Butters. At least Feinblind pretends to have character. Lieberman has had more changes of heart than Dick Cheney. Heā€™s a rusty political weathervane.


Bibi and Putin should form a club.

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But heā€™s the idiot in this, because ā€˜useful idiotsā€™ often turn into menacing ones. He certainly does NOT speak for all Jews.

By the way, Haaretz just reported that members of the IDF (the Israeli army) are begging Bibi not to speak, saying he is ENDANGERING Israel. So did the former member of Mossad who criticized him.

So he doesnā€™t speak for all Israelis either.


Yes, heā€™s even speaking at an anti-Netanyahu event:

Ex-Mossad chief Meir Dagan to headline anti-Netanyahu rally

Dagan, who called Netanyahuā€™s policies ā€˜destructive to the future and security of Israel,ā€™ will speak at rally demanding regime change at Tel Avivā€™s Rabin Square.

And heā€™s far from alone in Israelā€™s intelligence, military and diplomatic establishment; thereā€™s a long list of former heads of the various agencies coming out against Bibiā€™s speech, his position, and his re-election. Of course, why they should see somebody who misrepresents their intel, misuses their force, and threatens their countryā€™s diplomatic relations is a mystery. Thanks for the link to that interview.


I donā€™t see her as dumb at allā€¦ In fact just the opposite, sheā€™s too smart for her own good.

But what you said about how she was all butt-hurt about the way she was treated by the NSA and CIA, but couldnā€™t care less when it was happening to the rest of the American publicā€¦I couldnā€™t agree more. Thatā€™s where I lost all respect for her. She started out as a very progressive politician from what I could gather, but once she became extremely wealthy through the benefit of her third marriage to an investment banker, sheā€™s been something of driver against seriously popular progressive economic policies more than once over the years. She has a real problem with democratic economics that help to build the middle-class from the bottom up, to say nothing of her chickenhawk attitude about our involvement in the MiddleEast, and Americaā€™s war powers that look a lot like American hegemony around the globe.


I guess youā€™re from California so you have a stake in which Senator does what here, but her term isnā€™t up until 2018 at which time she will probably retire. Youā€™re mistaken about her intentions. Bibiā€™s the elephant in the room, and it would be the height of folly to ignore him which does not mean acceding to his plans as the Rs are planning to do. . .

I would, however, defend her just far enough to say sheā€™s no Lieberman. If he were still around, heā€™d have been on tv 24/7 for weeks praising Bibiā€™s brave move and condemning the pending deal with Iran with all his grave oh-so-independent love of mischief-making for Dems. DiFi isnā€™t a completely unreliable Democrat, at least, and is saying the right things on this. But geez, if someone like her could stay away from the speech, what a statement that would have made. Every Dem attending had better fucking sit on their hands and keep their mouths shut every fucking second of Bibiā€™s campaign appearance, and just leave when heā€™s done, no ā€œrespectfulā€ applause. Give him the respect he gave you, idiots. And they still need to hear from all of us.


The crowd here took up her defense when the newly-elected Cruz got on her case at a Senate hearing about assault weapons. How dare the wet-behind-the-ears criticize the seasoned Senator! She spoke about the aftermath of a shooting in a law office in San Francisco, and that memory translated into her efforts to have those weapons banned. No, sheā€™s not a straight up always-to- the-left figure, but she was the mayor here when Moscone and Milk were killed in 1978, and her actions in those bleak days are what continue to make most people here remain fond of her. She should not be pilloried in the manner she is here and dependably so.


Feinblind, Wrong McCain, Butters, so clever, so full of nothing.


Thank you for this thoughtful analysis of a very complicated set of Mid-East relationships. Netanyahu uses American domestic politics to undermine an Iranian deal the world wants, and Republicans use Bibi to poke a stick in the eye of a nonwhite president. This is unprecedented. Even when Churchill spoke to Congress in the 40ā€™s, the president approved, and Congress did not do this to embarrass the president.