Discussion: Feinstein: 'Arrogant' For Netanyahu To Say He 'Speaks For All Jews' (VIDEO)

It is an informal bully-pulpit possibly sociopathic one.

Yes. Lindsey Graham is the new Lieberman.

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No more arrogant than a war profiteer claiming to speak for America, or one so put out at the notion of being spied upon favoring that surveillance on the population at large.

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I don’t know, I also had my problems with her in the run-up to the Iraq War, and with some of her comments back then on surveillance. But here she mentioned her misgivings about Bibi’s speech, mentioned the need for a Palestine and for two states to live side by side. I think her comments, as a somewhat hawkish somewhat conservative Dem, carry weight.


No doubt they carry weight. But it’s the water they carry at times that I can’t swallow.


Agree with you on some of her past positions, but I commend her on taking this stand.

And furthermore, I don’t have a problem with Congress members attending Bibi’s speech. Let them follow protocol – even if Boehner didn’t – but don’t be swayed into pre-emptively supporting additional sanctions or other provocative measures.

Let’s keep our eyes on the prize – a diplomatic solution to the Iran nuclear question. Some say we might be close to an agreement.


Yes, but all should sit on their hands during his speech, poker-faced.


Ms. Feinstein knows all about arrogance.

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As a Jewish American, I find Bibi repulsive.


Me too. Here’s my prediction. Bibi arrives to give his speech on Tuesday. Wednesday is Erev Purim, which is funny because its the holiday (our Jewish Halloween for de kinderlach) that’s all about Persian domination over the minority Jewish community in 4th Century BCE. I’ll bet you hands down that that asshole makes reference to the Iranian leadership being the equivalent to a modern day King Ahasuerus guided by the evil hands of Haman. Its what you might call a Jewish dog-whistle to other Jews he thinks will be sympathetic to his bullshit. Most will get it, but also most American Jews will not agree with the characterization. Anyway…I won’t be surprised if he goes there.


Dems should imagine themselves as NYC cops and Bibi as Mayor DeBlasio and TURN THEIR BACKS on the peppery little skidmark.

I didn’t like it when the cops did that. I wouldn’t like it if they did that to any foreign leader. Even walking out seems wrong. If they want to make a statement they should just not show up to listen to his political re-election speech, because really, that’s all it is. And the fact that Boner and Dermer single-handedly engineered this to openly and publicly scold the President of the United States is the biggest insult of all. If Dems had any sense and loyalty to the twice elected Commander in Chief, they wouldn’t allow themselves to be used as pawns in Bibi’s public denouncements for his own selfish political gains.


I haven’t seen it mentioned once but he did the same thing to President Clinton, doing a speech before either both Houses or H of R giving an endorsement to privatization. Unforgivable.

“I think it’s a rather arrogant statement. I think the Jewish community is like any other community. There are different points of view,” Feinstein said. “I think the arrogance does not befit Israel.”

It’s very important for the world at large to know that Netanyahu’s view is hardly representative of Jews as a whole, or even Israel as a whole.

If Netanyahu does that, I will eat a prune-filled hamantaschen, and take a massive dump. In Netanyahu’s honor, of course.

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Those fucking evil tri-cornered hats are everywhere…even fucking hamantaschen are proof of that…Good Lord. I knew those darn Teabaggers and Haman had something in common.

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They already have.

The GOP has really changed. They used to be all about unity behind a single meme, now they fight among themselves over minute slices of that meme.

In contrast, one thing the Dems have markedly improved at is knocking down GOP memes. This one with Bibi would be amazing to contemplate at any time before 2008 and mostly since: the Dems are so confident in their having turned the Bibi-Boehner moment into a negative for the GOP, that today Kerry actually said the administration is “fine” with Bibi addressing congressional GOPers in the House chambers. The Dems KNOW that, with all the advance work they’ve done, all the news coverage except on Fox will be long lingering panoramas of empty spaces and pundit commentary on what percent of congressional and administration Dems are NOT present.

On top of that, Bibi is a TERRIBLE speaker, treating non-Israeli audiences like they’re in elementary school. It’s one thing for American GOP pols to insult the Base’ intelligence, it’s quite another for some foreign leader to try it.

The Bibi speech is going to be a total backfire.

Nowadays the GOP’s strength lies almost entirely in financing House wins. But increasingly those are Koch party wins, or regional wins like with the bosses who control North Carolina, Idaho and the deeps, or currently hold the edge in power in mid-west states. The result is just like this

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Pass the Hamentashen - Chag Sameach!

Netanyahu speaks for HIMSELF, not even Israel. And certainly not for me! That momser!

I’m actually surprised Lieberman isn’t doing all that. He’s not dead after all; he’s actually 9 years younger than Feinstein.

Yawn… It’s just a speech. If I were in Congress I would go unless I had a massage appointment, which I usually do on Tuesday. But if my masseuse were sick, I would go, at least if they were serving lunch.

Listen, this is a Congress that can’t get out of their own way. Didn’t anyone see what happened last Friday? If Bibi ties his fortunes to theirs, he’s dumber than dumb. Seriously, what could they do anyway? Vote more sanctions with a 2/3 majority? Unlikely, but even if they did, sanctions by the US alone without the others in the 6 party talks are meaningless.

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