Now God has 30 days to prove He exists
About time, if you ask me.
Deity fraud has been a problem for centuries now.
No comment.
There was a movie about this. Apparently, He’s alive.
God doesn’t need to run for President. If He wants to become President, He will simply do so.
That’s one of the benefits of being omnipotent.
FEC To God: Prove You Exist, Or We're Booting You From 2016 Race
I would like to know who God’s running mate is.
I assume the FEC will require a long form birth certificate and photo ID that complies with Texas law.
Hoo, boy, is the FEC gonna be surprised! Not only does God exist, his given name is Deez Nuts.
Hey, God: Let’s see that long form birth certificate!
Unfortunately, anyone who looks at the ID photo immediately turns into a pillar of salt.
That’s okay, the FEC is already inert.
Trump: FEC is lying, I didnt get any letter from them. Besides, they can see me on TV at all times. I am The God.
Watch God turn out to be socially liberal, and the conservatives disavow Him in disgust.
Abraham. He’s a unity pick. Ganesha’s been out stumping for them among Republicans (I hear he’s in the running for SECSTATE), too.
@humpback would that be their lot in life?
Dang - I didn’t see your comment just above mine where you totally beat me to the birth certificate.
I bow in your direction: (-.-) (_ _) (-.-)
Could it be Satan?
the yin and the yang
ever read the beatitudes?
That would be one hell of a unity ticket.
He has two: The Son and the Holy Ghost.
Or so they have told me.