Discussion: FBI: Foreign Hackers Breached 2 State Election Databases

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a red state and a blue state voters database hacked…

is that offsetting penalties or false equivalency?


Guess who??


Thanks, Donnie!

Check for 150,000 new registrations using a variation on the name Julian Assange.


Hey, what’s Karl Rove up to these days?

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You know what’s really hard to hack?



“infrastructure, y’all”


What a great idea to computerize voting machines…what could possibly go wrong? Yes, I know this was a database, but please. Stop using Windows would be a good beginning, and putting Diebold out of the business would help. Nah gunna happen, I know…what a world.


do you really want to go back to 2000?

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If that doesn’t raise the black helicopter alert level to triple layer tinfoil helmet nothing will…

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its weird, but until Trump had to go Trump; our election infrastructure was just something folks would act as if to say ‘why should we deal with it now?’

As of now, that problem is the greatest danger to how we will survive the next four years.

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I am 100% for paper trails (not preprinted ballots).

But this isn’t about what votes you cast, it’s about the ability to cast any vote at all.

Funny thing is, Republicans and Russia seem to be aligned pretty well on this: kick people off the rolls, undermine faith in the system, keep “certain” folks from voting.


Who needs foreign hackers when you’ve got Kris Kobach’s Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program?


You know what I love about electronic voting?

I can vote in any precinct in the city, or I can early vote in a location that I pick for convenience. If the line is two hours one place and twenty minutes at another I can change my plans.

What I don’t love? All easily fixed.

More machines so you don’t have to wait so long. A better voter interface. A paper trail controlled by the voter for auditing and recounts. More convenient locations for those who have a hard time getting to a polling station.


A simple solution which will not be implemented as long as the Rethuglicans control things. Time to “throw the rascals out.” #voteblue #clintonkaine2016

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Or the names “John Barron” and “John Miller.”


Or “Barstool Palin,” "Field Palin,: “Algebra Palin,” and “Pillow Palin.”


It won’t he implemented as long as the Republicans control things either. :wink:

“Easily fixed” if people of good faith are in charge… might be a long wait for us here in Texas.

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This is the real threat to voter fraud. I can just see hackers correlating lists the DNC has on reliable dem voters and purging those voters from swing state voter registration records. Given the requirements/laws many states have on having to be registered prior to election day - in some cases like 30 days, who’s to say that if this happened within a month of the election that these voters would be allowed to vote?