Discussion: FBI Director Defends Timing Of Clinton Email Probe Document Dump

oh FFS. No one cares about the nothingburger emails except mouth breathing MSM stenographers.
Did anyone find anything?


The Director made this mess with the press conference.


Nope, nothing political about it at all.

Nothing to see here…


You’re exactly right. He got up there and give his opinion that surely someone had to hack her server.


And I’m sure this quote will be the lead story / headline on CBS, NBC, ABC, FUX, NPR, NYT, WAPO, etc.

"At the end of the day, the case itself was not a cliff-hanger; despite all the chest-beating by people no longer in government, there really wasn’t a prosecutable case."


FBI Director on Clinton Email Non-Scandal: “At the end of the day, the case itself was not a cliff-hanger; despite all the chest-beating by people no longer in government, there really wasn’t a prosecutable case.”

“No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious.” – George Bernard Shaw


It seems blatant and painfully obvious that the arrangement between HRC, her power hungry husband, Comey, and Lynch are in the pay of the “Eagle Forum” and wanted to get this inaccurate version of their “truth” out before the death of Schafley… as a going away gift. Meanwhile “The Golden Yam” tried to stop them from using the dishonest press to hurt anyone…
Also Alex Jones is a bag of shit occupied by the same people that tried to get Jade Helm past our Martian overlords… Why does the Ghost Of Eustace not straighten every one out?

I’m not sure I can get through another 60 days without the endless scream

I must not read right wing nut comments ever again
I must not read right wing nut comments ever again
I must not read right wing nut comments ever again
I must not read right wing nut comments ever again


Maybe if he had released the report without his self serving editoralizing…


‘…but I shamed Hillary anyway because I AM a Republican and she’s a woman’…Thanks Comey…you added to the ‘chest beating’.


With a performance that suggested he was trying hard for the annual “FBI Drama Queen” Award.

I was expecting Comey to go into a full swoon as he pontificated on reckless HRC.


Or the chest beating of people still in government.


“We have leaned very far forward in providing transparency,”

AKA known as bending way over from the heavy GOP political weight pressing on your back and buttocks.


I personally had no problem with the document dump. Who fucking cares? There was nothing in it and the GOP/Teatrolls have an irresistible urge to engage in shenanigans that ultimately backfire, like all this “crying wolf” witch-hunt nonsense, which I really believe reached its point of diminishing returns long long ago. The more they try at this point, the more they simply prove they know they can’t win the election and that they’re willing to waste our time and money trying to abuse their power with collateral attacks in an attempt to do so.


Not to mention the Reverse Vampires and the RAND Corporation. A Real American™ would have known that, COMRADE!

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There’s no precedent for the FBI discussing cases that do not lead to charges, much less releasing the entire investigatory materials to the public. Nevermind that his entirely inappropriate extrajudicial editorializing is what led to all the headlines, not any findings. But no politics here at all says the Republican head of the FBI (oh wait, he very recently re-registered as independent to avoid such a perception… hah). #Bullsh!t


It must be admitted we are endlessly inventive with our national farces.


I do think we are staring to see a backlash, which was predicted by many. Comey was clearly way out over his skis, and statements like the one you quoted or “Those suggesting that we are “political” or part of some “fix” either don’t know us, or they are full of baloney (and maybe some of both).” suggest he is trying to get back into his appropriate role.

Newspaper editorial staffs are starting to call out the biased news coverage (see Krugman in the NYT, or the Miami Herald saying of the Clinton Foundation " But despite all the innuendo and suggestions of wrongdoing — despite all the outrage generated by the right-wing attack machine — no actual conflict or legal violation has turned up, even with armies of investigators working feverishly to discover wrongdoing that apparently isn’t there" http://www.miamiherald.com/opinion/editorials/article100286287.html ) and I am hopeful that this will start to put some real pressure on the “cloud” and “innuendo” reporters such as those on the Times Political desk.

And for those who want a nice smackdown of the Times, Nate Silver’s comments in this weeks 538 pod cast are priceless. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-the-media-have-covered-the-2016-campaign/


It sounds like the audience he cares about most vis-a-vis transparency is not the American electorate, but the FBI “alums” out there around the country. Wow. So he sees the need to comment to protect his continued status within his private “club”. Nice to know.


"At the end of the day, the case itself was not a cliff-hanger; despite all the chest-beating by people no longer in government, there really wasn’t a prosecutable case." (FBI Dir. James Comey)

Oh, but you sure made it known you wished it had been. Just … shut up.