Discussion: FBI Agent Indicted On Charges Of Lying About Firing Shots At Oregon Occupier

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One less in-bred rancher sucking off the government teat. Just culling the herdā€¦

Pretty dumb, for a law-enforcement officer. He should know: if you want to get away with lying about a shooting, you have to make sure that the incident resulted in a dead minority youth.


The Bundy brothers and five other defendants were acquitted last fall of weapons and conspiracy charges for preventing employees at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and U.S. Bureau of Land Management from working at the refuge through intimidation, threat or force.

Wait, what?

If armed takeovers of government offices are now legal, I have some suggestionsā€¦starting with Zinkeā€™s officeā€¦


Are you a white male republican?


The militia boys have been fuming for more than a year about the fact that the FBI released the footage of Finicum getting shot because they were all ginned up to paste their favorite conspiracy theories onto it. (My favortie was the one where the FBI made Leroy kneel and one of them whispered in Finicumā€™s ear ā€œBarry told me to say hi,ā€ before blowing his brains out.

Then the video came out and Finicum was shown to have run a roadblock and come out of his truck with a gun in his hand before the OREGON troopers dropped him and it ruined EVERYTHING. Instead of having a martyr, all Malheur meant was:


No one should be surprised that the FBI agent was charged. He lied, tried to cover it up and deserves the charges. But as you indicated Finicum was shot by Oregon State Troopers not the FBI. As someone very concerned about our public lands, I followed the entire episode until the first trial verdict. That verdict was a travesty but the second trial yielded convictions. The Bundys have been locked up since January of 2016. They sit in cells while awaiting trial in Nevada. It is where they belong.

Guy in the picture is John Ritzheimer. He pleaded guilty and was to be sentenced sometime this month. 11 others took a guilty plea. So more will go to jail.


this is Bad news folksā€¦The only thing worse than a welfare queen rancher is a martyred welfare queen rancherā€¦

Now the RW will martyr Finicum the same way they canonized Koresh and Randy Weaver. Oh yeah, THAT turned out great.


In early October I made a pilgrimage to Portland to watch the trial about the occupation of the Malheur wildlife sanctuary and I learned many things. Among them was that the FBI and federal prosecutors are not all that impressive and a gang of out-and-out fruitcakes can beat them at their own game. When I heard the verdict, I realized that Trump was probably going to win the election.


He was martyred by standoff participants within hours of being shot. For a time there was a memorial (guarded by loonies) set up at the spot where he died. Bundy-cult followers are busy in Nevada -harassing the court. The FBI agent did not kill him only tried and missed, twice actually. Oregon State Police fired the shot that killed him.

This is one guy who looked like he was wanted death by cop.

All the others have survived to go onto their new homes, courtesy of the well-financed American prison system.

Take your pick, morons.

Edit: Weā€™re all supposed to be law-abiding citizens, whether we agree with the law or not. You break the law? You do the time. I have no sympathy for the Bundy clan or any followers.


What the heckā€¦From Halloween

(Never tried to do a picture, forgive me if it doesnā€™t work.)

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Brings back memories of people wearing pieces of blue tarp. Gawd that was a spectacle. :laughing:

yesā€¦everything you say is true. No doubt about it.
Still, Iā€™m amazed and infuriated that the ā€œauthoritiesā€, after ending the standoff in as reasonable manner as possible IMO, seem have repeatedly mishandled the post incident response and public messaging along with the trial and other sundry after effects. Any little variation or alteration in the official story line will automatically go viral on the RW social media, and pretty soon the ā€œIII-%-ersā€ and a bunch of ā€œBased Stickmenā€ are on the march w/ their ARā€™s slung over their shoulder.

@patl said it much more eloquently:

Next time youā€™re driving down I-5, come by and Iā€™ll take you out for a beer and burger at my local dive bar to make it up to you. (If youā€™re vegan, weā€™ll have to make other plansā€¦lol.)


Not much left of I-5 south of where I live, but it would be fun to have a left coast TPM get-together. So many amusing commenters post here!


Iā€™m willing to listen to you kvetch about Jamie Beutler, but you have to buy the next pitcher.

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CAFM - 's what happens when your perps are white guys.

OMIgodā€¦Cons heads will explodeā€¦who to SUPPORT??? The ranchers who ILLEGALLY staged a ā€˜sit inā€™ at a Federal sanctuary or the authoritarian FBI man who killed one of them???

Seems as if the headline should be ā€œā€¦Lying About NOT Firing Shotsā€¦ā€

The FBI agent lied about firing two rounds. Nevertheless, Finicumā€™s speech content (that had been recorded) clearly established (even to the most casual observer) that he was suicidal.

Unfortunately, I think itā€™s reasonable to believe that right-wing media psychotalkers will confuse their dupes into believing that since the agent lied, the suicidal, low-achieving simpleton, Finicum, was probably murdered.