Discussion: FBI Agent Indicted On Charges Of Lying About Firing Shots At Oregon Occupier

I wanted guilty verdicts down the line. Having said that, if the FBI agent had already been firing live ammunition at Finicum, it might explain why he was reaching for a weapon when facing the Oregon State cops who were pointing weapons at him. Or not. I guess we’ll never know but I don’t understand why the FBI agent fired in the first place. I can only surmise he knew he was out of line since he lied about it. And the Oregon cops who covered his lie must be called to account, too. Dishonest trigger-happy cops and idiot robbers. What a world.

Where did you learn that Finicum came out of the truck with a gun in his hand? Are you sure about that?

How much do you want to bet this guy is convicted for lying about a justified shooting, while all those cops who lied about shooting black men in the back or as they were just sitting there have gone free?


FWIW, Weaver is still alive; it’s his wife and son who were killed (not justified, at least for her).

You are of course correct. I was thinking “Ruby Ridge” but ended up typing what I did - my error.

I agree with you Socalista. But there is another side to this story. I have a good friend who represented one of the defendants in the case and have heard some interesting stories about the trial and behind the scenes. The gist is the Government over reached in put all its eggs in that basket and were simply out-lawyered at the trial. I’m not a crimnial lawyer, but I spent a little time as a judicial clerk, and saw this kind of back fire on a number of occasions myself.

On the other hand, I have another good friend who works for the BLM and I can tell you his agency (in Oregon) is furious at the US attorney’s office over this case. They are very nervous about what might happen next. They feel like they were seriously mislead about the legal case.


Meanwhile Jeff Sessions keeps his job as AG after lying several times under oath!

Meanwhile Michael Flynn lied and took illegal foreign payments!

Meanwhile SCOTUS Judge Neil Gorsuch lied to the Senate and he’s keeping his job as a judge!

When it’s the right wing extremists, they get away with it. When it is anyone else, they are held to the laws of the land.

Welcome to communist Russia…that is what the US right wing movement is all about!

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Interesting insights…thanks!

From what I saw at the trial, which was a circus, the judge screwed up because she was afraid of a mistrial. The federal prosecutors played by the rules and the defense lawyers were out of control and played the work-the-umpire game with the judge. The prosecutors did not bother to challenge obvious lies. I think they thought their case was so good that it spoke for itself. They overestimated the intelligence of the jury. (Plus a bit of nullification.) They didn’t even convict the guy who stole the government car from the refuge. It was nothing short of appalling.

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That’s what I meant by out lawyered.