I read the headline and said: so what?
It doesn’t matter how the FBI found out as long as it was legal.
I read the headline and said: so what?
It doesn’t matter how the FBI found out as long as it was legal.
It means you’re paying a reporter to sit at a legal proceeding every day and since the proceedings are often fairly tedious you have to make the best of it, so you sometimes end up writing about the most interesting bit of minutiae that emerges.
As a former journalist, I can say that meeting with prosecutors investigating the topic of an article is pretty unusual. I’d need to know a lot more about the circumstances before I would be comfortable saying if it was a violation of journalistic ethics — but it is important for journalists to maintain strict independence and even the appearance that they were somehow working with or aiding prosecutors is one most journalists would work very hard to avoid.
True, because you want people to talk to you. But there’s nothing illegal or vaguely improper for authorities to follow up on a tip from anyone, even a journalist.
And when treason may be in play - everyone has a duty to speak up.
From the text here, it appears that the journalists were trying to use the FBI as sources for their article, and possibly offering a few tidbits of information along the way.
(The very few times during my journalistic career that I used law enforcement people as sources, they were way too willing to hear themselves talk for me to tell them much.)
Bt all means, let us not “go down that road” to making sure jurors aren’t typical crazy TRussia fans. No, indeed.
Christopher Steele sure thought so and he’s not even a citizen of the US.
No wonder the Dotard Don hates a Free press
It doesn’t matter to people who are intelligent and sane. So naturally the TRussia people are squealing “unfair!”
It’s a complex legal term called “Grasping at straws cuz you know your client is guilty as all hell and doesn’t have a prayer in front of a jury”.
Former and to some extent current myself. Protecting a source is one thing, but as you point out we don’t know what the relationship was here. I would feel that barring some conflicting professional obligation I’d cooperate with any investigation like any citizen would.
Some fake news guy had some hard facts.
It is not “violating ethics” to tip off law authorities about criminal and treasonous behavior on the part of the president’s friends on the president’s behalf, with the presidents knowledge and approval. Its the DUTY of whoever finds out these things to notify police (or FBI).
Anyone who believes the “press” is neutral is living in fantasy-land similar to the people who worship at the Fox news "fair & balanced altar.
The press adore TRussia. If not for the support and free advertising from “the press”, the dotard traitor would never ever have gotten into any government building except a jail.
So reporters were the ones who blew the lid on Trump’s main Russia crony. Man, that’s gotta sting.
As someone who has VERY tangential attachment to the Eastern District, there’s a reason it’s called the “Rocket Docket.” Cases don’t linger. And in criminal cases, the judges try to hew to the Speedy Trial Act (70 days) as much as possible. Also, the judges frown on unlimited voir dire. The jury selection will take, at the most, a single day.
About flipping time AP got something right…
Not really. Keep in mind it was information disclosed during DIRECT exam, not brought up for the first time on cross. The prosecutor was establishing that there was a legitimate line of inquiry related to the investigation, that appropriate investigative techniques and actions were taken from start to finish, and that there is nothing to even suggest that the material is “fruit of the forbidden tree.”
However, I totally agree that Faux News and the rest will use it to scream that it’s proof the “fake news” “liberal lamestream media” is all out to get Trump and his cronies with witch hunts and conspiracies etc. “They did this to manufacture their own news to report.”
Another thing, this jury pool will be drawn primarily from the following jurisdictions: City of Alexandria, Arlington County, Fairfax County, Loudoun County, and Prince William County. Notwithstanding Corey Stewart, Prince William is swinging purple, and Loudoun will probably vote out Barbara Comstock in November.