Discussion: Farenthold: 'I Shouldn't Be Asked To Pay' For Special Election

I know you are an honorable man who is above cheap political shots, bullying and kicking someone while they are down, especially a fellow Republican. I’ll just chalk it up to bad advice from your staff.”

OK, kudos for that, duckie-boy ! The sarcasm drips from the screen…


He also expressed his personal *butt-*hurt

We know that’s what you wanted to write, Kate.


Can he pay in pounds of flesh?

He clearly has much to spare.


What a prince.


Well, gee, he always understood that going into politics meant fleecing people – that’s in the GOP platform (read the small print at the bottom).

“Nowhere on my GOP membership card is it written that I would have to pay anything back if I got caught at it — this is soooooo unfair!”


Poor boy - do you need some cheese to go with that whine? Whatever happened to the “Party of Personal Responsibility”? Oh ya, that was always an empty, ironic, catchphrase.


Oh, come on! Your eclair budget alone should be enough to take care if it!


OK. So this confirms that, along with being behaviorally gross, Farenthold is also a whiner and Not Very Bright. Is anyone surprised?


Farenthold then claimed his innocence, saying that he settled the case out of concern for his constituents

How magnanimous of you Blake.


So Blake resigned for the ‘good of his constituents’ which just conveniently stopped the investigation that he, I tell you, is innocent of. He shouldn’t have to pay for the special election because he didn’t pay to settle the claim in the first place…that he was innocent of. Wow. Hubris. Do these guys REALLY think anybody buys this twisty ‘logic’?

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Go the fuck away, you disgusting oaf-troll. Go collect a pittance-pity-pension from whatever third-rate Republican lobbyist is willing to be seen with you in daylight.

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He resigned to spend more time with his fry-cook.


Fat shaming. I don’t object.


Hey, Blake, is this familiar?

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Apparently, the complaint is that Fraenthold really wants to keep the money that is sitting in his account in DC. He is now being played by a bigger scammer: Greg Abbott.

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Farenthold is the kind of reptile the modern Rethuglican Party specializes in inflicting on this country. You can’t blame him for acting according to his nature. Every Rethuglican voter should pay for this, because they all inflicted this massive cockroach and a hundred thousand others, just like him and worse, on the body politic. #fuckyouabbotandeverysingleotherscumbagtrumpfellator


Has he paid back the taxpayer money he used for his harassment settlement? If he did that, I’m willing for the voters in his district to cover the special election. Give 'em something to think about. (They will not think about it. They will just complain.)

I obviously agree on who should pay. But all these people are loudly and obnoxiously “Christian.” They’re all about the free will and don’t get a pass on their lecherous natures. Yield not to fleshly temptations, ye of too much flesh!

The Spirit is weak,
But the Flesh is willing-
And give that little blue pill another half hour, able.


Fork over the $84k Porky!