Pigs warn each other against wrestling with Abbotts and Farentholds.
This really is a bring out the popcorn moment.
It makes me no never-mind if the taxpayers have to pay for another democratic election to get this pig out of office, especially if the alternative is to let him ride it out til November as a lame duck.
Abbot is trying to set a precedent that besieged officeholders are better off trying to Greitens it out. I never thought I’d ever say anything positive about Farenthold, but at least he’s getting out of the way, and if a special election was optional, at least it means that the people in that district will have some representation for a few months.
I could see Republican Gov Abbott trying to force a Democrat to pay for the special election to replace him/her, but a fellow Republican? Come on!
Ah, so he admits that he’s down. If he were innocent and of good character, he’d be singing a far different tune. Wise up, voters, and stop voting for slime balls. Character matters.
If anyone in history has earned it, it’s this loathsome, pustulent boil of a man.
Shut up and pay, you goofy looking fat fuck.
I tried to talk my way out of a speeding ticket by claiming that I disagreed with the posted limit, half a dozen of my friends agreed with me. Guess how that turned out?
I’m glad that he blathered about his innocence,m because otherwise I might have to conclude that he was being unfairly socked by Abbott.
“…[ h]e settled the case out of concern for his constituents, not because he was guilty.”–If you weren’t guilty, why settle? Are you going with the story that having to fight it would have taken your mind off ‘working for your constituents?’ First, I doubt you’ve ever really done anything for your constituents. Second, wouldn’t it be your lawyers that would have done most of the work thereby freeing you up for your constituents (and other 'little escapades?")
Farenthold to Abbott:
“I know you are an honorable man who is above cheap political shots, bullying and kicking someone while they are down, especially a fellow Republican. I’ll just chalk it up to bad advice from your staff.”
“I know you’re a slimy opportunist who loves to kick somebody when they’re down. You’re a bully. You don’t even have loyalty to the Republican Party, you sleazeball! And I know that if you get any flack for this, you’ll pin it all on your lackeys, you cowardly little shit!”
How come no one has posted the pic of this guy in his ducky pajamas yet? I came into these comments with the express hope that I’d see it - I need a good laugh.
You guys are really slacking off today.
I have always been struck by the strong resemblance Blake Fartenhold bears to Sarah Huckabee-Sanders. Are the Fartenholds of Texas and the Hucakabees of Arkansas related?
In a normal timeline, this squabble would have been a top five story.
Farenthold then claimed his innocence, saying that he settled the case out of concern for his constituents, not because he was guilty.
“You know it’s true, everything I do, I do for you.” Blake channels Bryan Adams almost as well as David Duke*.
*David Duke was a proud recipient of a cease and desist letter from Bryan Adams’ attorney for using his music during his failed Louisiana gubernatorial bid in 1991.