Discussion: Far Right Party In California Will List Trump As Its Nominee On The Ballot

so does this the voters in ca will be able to vote for trump twice?


George Wallace was peanuts compared to the complete disaster Trump would be for America and the entire world.


“We are heeding the voice of our voters.” said the leader of the far-right racist party in California.

Literally, all of them sat in a Denny’s booth and decided. (And I mean that literally).


Early voting which more and more makes the difference in the outcome is on the horizon in a number of states, and in CA it begins October 10. teamtrumpet better look at their calendar a little more closely. He cannot make up for lost ground though they think that pivot is just around the corner.

Voting actually starts in less than six weeks, on Sept. 23 in Minnesota and South Dakota, the first of some 35 states and the District of Columbia that allow people to cast ballots at polling sites or by email before Nov. 8. Iowa is expected to have ballots ready by the end of September, as are Illinois and two other states.

The electoral battlegrounds of Arizona and Ohio are to begin voting on Oct. 12, nearly four weeks before Election Day. And North Carolina and Florida will be underway before Halloween.

@ncgirl741 Five times, 10 times, who knows?


“We are the demographic that Trump is appealing to,” Markham Robinson, the secretary of the American Independent Party of California told the LA Times.

There you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth. Could not be any clearer.


I doubt it. If the voter votes for Trump under both parties, I’ll bet their presidential vote will be either in question or not counted. And I’ll bet not a few of these boobs will vote for Trump twice on the same ballot … Just to be sure.

Edit. Trump will only appear once on ballot. GOP and AIP will split CA electoral college 50 and 5 respectively.

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Another sterling endorsement for the Orange Shitgibbon.


I was just windering since donnie is so concerned about voter fraud


If 10% of the people vote for one Trump, and 10% vote for the other, does Trump get 20% of the vote? It seems like that should not be the case, but I have never heard of this before.

O.K. Did some research. Here’s how it works (from a comment on the original LAT article).

The two parties will jointly nominate the same slate of electors. The two parties have agreed that 50 of the names will be chosen by the Republican Party and 5 names by the AIP, so both parties will be nominating all 55.

Sounds about right. So Trump only appears once on the ballot, apparently.

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Can’t see members of AIP voting for Hillz from the git-go.


'Trump’s position on immigration– his proposal to build a wall and deport millions of undocumented immigrants– appealed to the party. ’ Charming, just charming.

This is very serious folks. He may get more votes from the AIP than the California Republican Party.

He may only be blown out instead of trampelled.


That could well undermine Hillary’s chances in the state.


It’s called cross endorsement. An endorsement by a 3rd party. Here in NY you have many Democrats who are also endorsed by the Working Families Party. Republicans who receive the Conservative Party endorsement. You do have some districts where a Democratic candidate receives the Conservative Party endorsement and Republicans getting the Working Families nod. In the general election you are only allowed to choose one party.

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Fascists have to stick together against all the “Mud People” out there you know.

It should make it worse since Trump would split his own vote.

It means we’ll get to not vote for him twice! Yay!!


2 time loser :smile:

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