Discussion for article #227724
They’ve done a very thoughtful thing. I hope the little girl will learn how to move beyond the tragedy and it will not affect her negatively.
This wasn’t her fault.
Why of COURSE Mom is shown in the background wearing CAMO!
It’s all framed in a “fickle finger of fate” context that is stunning to those of us on the outside looking in.
“He died doing what he loved - handing lethal weapons to pre-teens”
Pfft. Nobody could have predicted that handing a fully automatic firearm to a child could result in something bad happening.
Good on them. Whatever they need to do to find peace.
Shame the three parents involved weren’t nearly as thoughtful-- in advance.
Kind gesture … but “it” is not okay, and never will be.
Maybe they could make a video talking about what a bastard he was and how she made the world a better place?
Make sure to thank Mr. LaPierre and the Republicans in congress for all their help too, don’t want them feeling left out.
Really? Can you be anymore petty?
By the way, the lady is NOT wearing CAMO!
I dunno. I think it’s too soon, and more than a nine year old can bear. I think a letter sent to the parents would have been more appropriate, and they could have used their discretion* as to whether and when to show it to her. As it is now, she may not be able to avoid it on the internet (e.g., when her friends see it and mention it to her). This little girl is nothing but a victim, and doesn’t need forgiveness, or prayers; she certainly doesn’t need to have a video of the grieving kids.
*Admittedly in short supply in their house.
And the lawyer! “We ask that you respect their privacy*.” If you want to respect their privacy, don’t put out a video with their faces on the world wide webs.
*Edit: What he really means is “Let our firm control the narrative.”
Nothing about trying to prevent another tragedy?
They’ve already appeared on the Today show, what more do they want? They got their 15 minutes of fame. What’s the lawyer for, suing the 9 year old’s family?
I’m with you, Carlos. The thing seems awfully passive-aggressive to me: the little girl really ought to feel terrible and guilty but it’s OK, we forgive her.
How about an actual apology to her: we’re sorry that a member of our family did something that is going to scar and traumatize you for the rest of your life? Can you please forgive us?
Act of god. No way to avoid it. Random chance. Could happen to anyone. Like a bolt from the blue.
Possibly the least sensitive thing I’ve ever posted. Sadly I couldn’t find a gif.
Video response…
" What’s the lawyer for, suing the 9 year old’s family?"
That’s what I was wondering. If they are planning to sue the shooting range owners they will probably get some money. Why? Because people are sympathetic to their plight, not because the guy who got shot wasn’t completely culpable.
NRA-approved bathos.