[facepalm] You need to resign just for that. Were you aware that you were quoting Clarence Thomas in the Anita Hill hearings when you said that?
I don’t know if Fairfax pulled a Smollett here or Smollet pulled a Fairfax.
Either way, stop talking…
Does any politician in Virginia have a functioning brain?
Each of the accused has gone out of his way to look dumb and incompetent.
Went to the well at the wrong time on this one, doc.
So, he won’t participate in the hearing. Guess he’s holding out for a suit to be brought against him, where he knows things will be dragged out and not necessarily find him guilty.
I’ve said it of you before. Just. Shut. Up. You hired a PR firm, did they tell you to say that?
That actually happened.
Clarence Thomas actually said that.
That should sink in…and then Thomas should be brought to mind immediately afterward.
That part I’m okay with. If the VA Senate makes a zoo of it like the Kavanaugh hearings were (Just think of Graham and the rest screaming and ranting vice actually asking questions to get at truth), then it’s just show-boating and won’t leave anyone satisfied that we’ve established veracity of one or the other party.
But his way of saying it… OMG…
Are you taking hole digging lessons from the Pumpkin Traitor? Wave bye bye to your political career. What a maroon.
Dude needs to learn to STFU. Seriously, people have already forgotten about this shit with the 20 other things that popped up this week.
“I’ve heard much about anti-lynching on the floor of this very Senate, where people were not given any due process whatsoever, and we rue that,” Fairfax said,
WTF??? Lynched without “due process”? For being black while also an American? Is that what their supposed crime was and why they were lynched? While you are accused of sexual assault, which is, btw, an actual CRIME!!! Dude! Get over yourself!!! Resign!!!
Irony of Ironies…I don’t know the Vegas Odds, but immediately after the Northam Blackface Story, most people were penciling in Fairfax as Guv…
First thing I thought of was Clarence Thomas, as well.
What does this say about his attitude toward the women who have accused him?
Yeah. This isn’t going to end well for Fairfax.
Clarence Thomas should also resign.
Not yet.
No more vacancies for McConnell to fill.
McConnell should also resign.
If any current SCOTUS member has the poor taste and bad timing to die in office, I’m picturing sort of a Weekend at Bernie’s scenario playing out.