Meanwhile, Trump jumped the gun and announced that Pence is his VP so he wouldn’t be drowned out by the media coverage of a terrorist attack in France. The man is an absolute narcissist.
I was going to write mostly exactly the same thing but with caps and stuff and You beat me by 17 minutes without caps.
I’m stunned by the level of political correctness here. People here who are harsh critics of Christianity continue to roll over for Islam. Unbelievable.
And he is tweeting immediately, too. Almost like he is anxious for the next tragedy in the world. I am worried that his “fear tactics” will cause more trouble.
The religion of Pence? Methodist, I think!.
Please don’t. Assholes like this driver represent Muslims as much as Timothy McVeigh represented Christians. That driver, and groups like ISIS, want to drive hatred of Muslims in support of their holy war. The best way to stand up to them is to embrace peaceful Muslims, which is the vast majority of the 1 billion Muslims in the world.
Liberte, égalité, fraternité mes freres et soeurs.
Mon coeur est avec vous, Nice.
I just heard he announced he wouldn’t be making his announcement tomorrow at 11am due to what is being reported about the truck killings in Nice. First thing came to my mind was the same thing you wrote. Didn’t want to be upstaged by the mass murder of monumental proportions where he would be seen as a side note. I actually don’t know what’s in his heart, though I believe he really doesn’t have one, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t give a shit about what happened in France personally, only in terms of how it affects him. That’s been his M.O. all along.
So was the Pence announcement verified by Rumpy tonight already? I’m confused.
The religion of peace.
The predictability of morons.
Flagged, motherfucker
As we used to say back in the day, Right On!
I really don’t understand why that idiot still shows up here. Thanks for flagging him before he derailed a thread that really doesn’t need such an ignorant commenter.
Assholes already blaming President Obama and Hillary Clinton.
Morons believing such idiocy
The Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, announced on Twitter that, after the events in Nice, he was delaying a press conference planned for Friday to announce his running mate.
He tweeted: “Another horrific attack, this time in Nice, France. Many dead and injured. When will we learn? It is only getting worse.”
The French ambassador to the US, Gerard Araud, also tweeted: “Our democracies are besieged. Let’s stick more than ever to our values. Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite. Vive la France, vive les Etats-Unis."
“There were so many Muslim people who were victims because I could see they had scarves over their head and some were speaking Arabic. One family lost a mother and in Arabic they were saying she’s a martyr.
Trump feeds on the news of death like an immense carrion beetle.
trump is really a sensitive guy. he is just putting his own self-interest aside while he grieves the dead in nice,right.
trump can gag a maggot off a guts wagon.
Remember when Trump couldn’t wait to politicize EqyptAir 804 and it turned out to be ruled an accident? Yeah, he’s a wretched human being.
NRA: This is proof that if you deny access to guns, people will find another way to kill.
Republicans: Now Libs will want to ban trucks!
They’ll say these things. Just wait for it.