Discussion: Eyewitness: 'Bodies Everywhere' After Truck Hits Bastille Day Crowd In Nice, France

Like clockwork


MSNBC has him declaring Pence. AP and Trump’s Twitter say he postponing. MSNBC still has the announcement for his veep up, as of 7:50 PM eastern time. I briefly thought that maybe Trump is Jedi mind-tricking Katy Tur or something, but then I remembered I was talking about Trump. He probably announced, and then got a call from Pence saying, “Whoa! You frigging jag-off! I said to tell them that you were WAITING!”

Do you really only want to hear from people who think like you? I remember a time when we criticized the right for that. The left’s fight for Islamic tolerance is a betrayal to secular people, gay people, and women who live in the Islamic world. We need debate on this, not name calling. Talk, not violence, rhetoric, and apologists. You are not going to get that if you just drive off liberal people who’s views don’t match yours 100%.

The terrorist, the hater, wants nothing more than to provoke our hatred, our violence. Bush fell for it. Trump is all in.

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Did you see what it was he typed? He’s not debating, and it’s not a “thought” in the sense that it’s something new or enlightening. It was a third-grade level, drive-by comment that’s only meant to incite and derail. The exact opposite of what you’re calling for. The bodies in France haven’t even cooled yet, we don’t even know (at the time of his posting) for certain that this was even an attack by Islamic extremists, and he’s in here using this event to further a tired and oversimplified political agenda.

I agree with you that there are big issues within some parts of the Muslim world concerning what you’ve listed. But pokeyoakey isn’t the person to debate them with.


Well, it’s not about Donald I hope he realizes. Love and Peace for France this dark hour.


So why does the NRA work so hard to make it easy for killers to get their preferred means of killing?

The left’s fight is for tolerance.


I’ll happily trade in all the killings that have been accomplished on purpose with guns for all the killings achieved purposefully by other means – not counting implements of war, of course. That also runs out terminal illnesses, as they are not achieved purposefully. I doubt that purposeful deaths by the combined use of cars, trucks, knives, bats, hammers, poison, bathtubs and plains old fisticuffs and strangling will come close to the number of purposeful deaths by guns.

By your logic, you’re insisting that trolls have a place at the table, to undermine legitimate debate for the simple reason that it’s a different point of view than my own.

Sorry, that dog don’t hunt.


What kind of person are you that you would say something that ignores the fact that INTOLERANCE is what got us here.

As usual.

You dumbass.

Thinking of the French people tonight. Sending love and support and courage.


$weet, $weet, ca$h.

There’s room at the table for a legitimate, and well-reasoned difference of opinion.

That’s not what was offered.


I don’t mean to call you out directly, and I’m sorry if it appeared that way. I’m calling out this forum as a whole. Anyone with the slightest view that is to the right is just bullied here. I’ve always liked this forum not only because of the many insightful comments I read, but for it’s lack of partisanship. But lately, I don’t know. It seems that there are so many friends who often gang up on people with dissenting opinions; they are just pure bullies. It’s happened to me more than once.

I wonder what the left’s opinion would be of Islam if it were the dominant religion in America. Let me tell you what Sharia law would have in store for me if I had been unlucky enough to have been born somewhere else. First, I’d have no hands, because as far as I know, there are no exemptions for thieves if they are children. Next, I would probably be executed for my secular views. If not that, I’d be killed for being bisexual. My son, too, could be put death for his sexual orientation. My mother and sisters… I don’t even want to go there.

My understanding is that a majority of Muslims believe in Sharia law. Even in the west, the numbers are very high.

I treat Islamic people I meet and know like I treat other people, with respect. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I will respect people, but you cannot tell me it’s right to support Islam.

Again, thx1138. This comment is not directed at you.

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dubya declared war on “terrorism”, and trumpet wants to do the same. In the trump starts with a P that’s never going to happen he would also ask NATO to wage war, but most of all it’s Hillary’s faulty because of her “stupid policies.” What in the world did this republic do to deserve trumpet as a candidate.

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This is in English:

A competent Fourth Estate would not allow him to do this. I cannot emphasize this enough. In any other country, Trump could hope at best for out-patient status. He deserves a jail cell.

Another thing to point out is the idea of POSSESSION.

No matter how much people like me rail against the MSM, they POSSESS reality. And their reality is that (unlike the actual fact that Trump is a sociopathic racist fascist demagogue) Trump is a legitimate Presidential candidate meriting about 10% of the amount of journalistic scrutiny that Ike or FDR would get.

They are IN…they define the dialogue, the narrative, the basic evaluations, the judgements (like “Hillary is more untrustworthy than Trump”).

If we as a nation allow this to continue, there is no doubt in my mind that Trump will ride a progression of weekly tragedies to victory in November. In a nation with a functioning Fourth Estate, his supporters would number less than 25% of the electorate.

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Long term blame: racial division

Medium term blame: the GOP after the Southern Strategy

More recent blame: Reagan

Current blame: the GOP/FOX, MSM and their Rationality**

** This kind of “Rationality” suggests that organizations and structures act to maximize the directives of the structure/organization no matter the consequences outside of the structure/organization…“Rationally” acting in self interest. The MSM is $$$$$$$$$$$ (lucre) in exchange for eardrums listening to the tripe they spit out, eyeballs glued to the screen (which also looks at hawked products to sell), clicks for the latest stimulus. Covering Trump gets them that.


It seems to be a race of who can kill the most now, for whatever reason(s).

Guns make killing convenient and that can be stopped a great deal with just simple measures but killing is killing.
What can be done about killing in the name of your savior or for your beliefs?

This is societal and deep. This sort of not so random killing has roots beyond all of us.
This takes leadership of the ages and changes like no other in order to end then turn the tide.
I keep coming back to, ‘politics is more than meets the eye’.
We elect to continue agendas, to defeat the other and for very personal reasons, but we also elect because we have a constant underlying belief in humanity, care and concern and yes, LOVE, for our fellow Americans and mankind in general.

As decent government happens, so does the causes of humanity in the background, or, at least this has been the American way. This is threatened now and politics and elections are what will maintain or cave to the evil forces.
This power is in our hands, it really is. We can vote for humanity in the very same swoop as healthcare or social security, we can campaign for kindness as we vote against greed and corruption.
Voting matters…Voting matters a lot!


Too much voting by people who think too emotionally
Too little voting by people who think perfect-the-enemy-of-the-good.

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No worries! I know what you’re saying, and thanks for clarifying. I was responding about pokey’s comment, specifically, and didn’t read your comment as initially being about a broader point beyond what he/she said.