Discussion: Experts Tie Massage Parlor Mogul To Chinese Government

Interesting that BLOTUS is likely an agent or asset of the Russians and the Chinese. He’s very clearly been compromised.


Democrats (including TPM) trying to prove they are even more after Communist China than Trump and his Cold Warriors. No surprise.

Can we stop calling it a “massage parlor” yet and call it what it was?


They do now.

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I thought I had seen all of Monty Python. Had not seen this one.
Nearly peed my pants.


Massage Parlor Mogul, how about human trafficking agent. And Hunan trafficking for prostitution usually involves under aged girls. To me this is a worse crime than her China connection. She doesn’t appear to be bright enough to be a good spy.


Most likely by way of a convenient app on their phones. Trumpski has been happy to let everyone obsess on his Russian scandals as cover for his more serious selling out to the Chinese and Saudis.

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So, the Chinese government, Mr Trump, and sleazy strip mall sex. Hmm. I think we want to know more. Remember the old saw, “You couldn’t make this up?” If a writer put that in a story, his agent would send him back to his word processor to write something more credible. But we still want to know more.


Why wouldn’t China send in a sex trafficking spy to hang at Mar a Lago?
They are just following Putin’s (thus far) very successful recipe!

China, if you happen to read this, please find the hacked RNC emails that Russia still holds as leverage!


It wasn*t the Russian hookers that peed on Mr Blubber but Mrs Yang when he had the massage at her Parlor . She sold the tape to the Russians .

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He’s thrown in the towel.


And we’re now due for another story where the “mogul” whines about how she is being victimized by the big, bad media who is making her look terrible by connecting her to Trump.

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I think reporters are looking at Yang from the wrong angle. It’s not her past that matters, it’s her present.

They ought to be looking at her relationship with Trump and how is it that she apparently has inside access to Mar a Lago, has visited the WH, and appears to have a lot of clientele for her massage parlors from Mar a Lago members, and also appears to bring Mar a Lago a lot of guests from China.

She would be important to Chinese Intel because of her relationship with Trump and not for any other reason. So how did she come into this position with the Trump circle? We know how she uses him for her bottom line. How does he use her for his benefit? Is it simply providing extra guests and access to wealthy Chinese folks and he makes money off of that? Is it keeping his clientele happy with special benefits like these massage parlors? Or, does Trump use her to build connections with the Chinese elite for his various business ventures in Asia? Is she playing the role that the Agalarov family has done on the Russian side, but perhaps one step removed as a facilitator to monied interests and regulatory interests who can approve financing, grant permits, and provide access to powerful gov’t officials? Is it limited to business activities in mainland China or areas where Chinese interests and Trump interests might align in places like Hong Kong (Erik Prince works for Frontier Security Group based there), Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore). I think that’s the angle to follow. Who is Trump using to connect with Chinese interests to improve his bottom line at the expense of US policy?


I remember a time when conservatives fought tooth-and-nail to ban men’s magazines from stores. Something about sin.

Now, they boast about their relationships in the sex trade.


Comments down again on new pieces?

Comments down again on new pieces?

Yes, you can write to siteissues@talkingpointsmemo.com, Jackie usually responds pretty quickly.

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I usually do and she is very quick in responding. It’s just this is the second time in a week. It’s time to upgrade this system.


Terrible images of peanut butter coming to mind


The new Trump Family motto:

"We sell out America long time!"


hobnobber and knob-gobbler?

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