Discussion: Ex-Trump Legal Spox Dishes On Hope Hicks And The Infamous AF1 Statement

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Get ready for the House to call in Hope Hicks and Corallo to testify under oath. A series of short such inquiries seem like a good way to get at the truth.


She is one of the ones I think that is going to end up being indicted still. She apparently wasn’t seeking any legal guidance, while handling all the President’s emails. And there are multiple stories out about her making statements like this…

“She said, ‘Well nobody’s ever going to see those documents,’”

If she ever followed through on any of those, she is toast. And given that she didn’t seek guidance, she almost assuredly did.

Nor do I see the Trumpers rallying to save her. They will all too glad to pen a number of crimes on her for being just a silly young girl who didn’t know better. While refuting each and every claim that she was merely following Trump’s directions.


New name, Hopeless Hicks…


All true, but Trump pardoning her seems a given, for just those reasons.


“The idea that a 20-something press aide would put the President of the United States on the phone to talk about a federal criminal investigation, without his attorneys on the phone, to protect the privilege and that the President wasn’t aware of it was just astounding to me,” Corallo said. “And terrifying.”

This -in a nutshell - is why our enemies love this Administration and that they’re doing irreparable damage to our national security.

“She said, ‘Well nobody’s ever going to see those documents,'” Which you know made my throat dry up immediately,” he said. “And I just — at that point I just said, ‘Mr. President we can’t talk about this anymore. You got to talk to your lawyers

This young lady is going places! -And that place will be a federal penitentiary if she keeps this up. So young and already so arrogant regarding the law. No wonder she’s Trump’s favorite.


“We can take care of that”


I think that’s a flip of the coin, really.

Her hooking up with younger men, probably didn’t sit real well with him on the one hand. And, with the narrative I laid out sticking, she isn’t any threat to him, either.

On the other hand, Ivanka may intervene on her behalf. I doubt Trump cares much either way.


She was one of the few that handed over documents when Cummings requested them. I can only assume she is cooperating.


That was one disjointed article.
I thought she was getting involved with that guy in the administration that was a wife abuser and had to leave.


“but Billy Barr said…”


She left on her own accord. But the scuttlebutt was she left because she was angry at how he was treated by Kelly once the revelations came to light. I don’t seem to recall anyone in the administration, including Ivanka, putting up too much of a fight.

Though Maggie Haberman was quite upset at losing her access.


OK. Whatever happened to that little law against; “Suborning Perjury”?

Daddy Trump and his fluffer, Hope Hicks conspired with Dipshit Donnie Jr. to LIE to Congress about this UNDER OATH.

Isn’t that SUBORNING PERJURY?!?!?!?


I wasn’t clear, and just looked up Rob Porter was the guy accused of wife abuse that she started dating before he left the WH. I know she left on her own, but thanks.


Good grief. If the lovely Hope Hicks ends up being sent to a federal penitentiary, she could get some pointers from Martha Stewart before she leaves, about coping. I recall reading that Martha was simply aghast at her sentence and horrified by her minimum-security federal prison. For five whole months! And without Estee Lauder Re-Nutriv Ultra Diamond Transformative Energy Crème to keep her skin well-crèmed.

Or was it La Prairie Cellular Cream Platinum Rare?


Did Corallo just state that Hope Hicks lied to Mueller!!!
Trump and his bunch have some very very serious problems.
Is she going to lie to Congress too?


Did they?

I seem to recall it didn’t get that far. The story fell apart quickly when Junior released his own emails on the matter (after he was told the NYT had them and was going to release them). That all happened long before he got hauled before the Senate.

When he did get to the Senate hearing, he basically went with the “I don’t recall” line of answering.


No. It was shown (and Cheeto Mussolini admitted) that he “helped” Donnie Jr. DRAFT HIS FALSE TESTIMONY on Air Force One.
It was only much later, after he was CAUGHT LYING that Don Jr. tap-danced his way out of it by claiming essentially: “I’m too stupid to understand what you asked me.”

Adam Schiff should call him back UNDER OATH and grill him about this.


“Though Maggie Haberman was quite upset at losing her access.”

Is that what Hope Hicks meant by “I had the New York Times handled”?


[Former lawyer describes explicit attempts to obstruct justice]

Despite how “reckless” Trump and his circle was in how it handled the Trump Tower meeting and its fallout, Corallo denied that it amounted to obstruction of justice.

What the ever-living f***? How are we supposed to reason with these people?