Most probably. Hicks was one of Haberman’s main contacts, if not THE main contact within the WH.
I am pretty confident that Little Miss Access Journalism would have zero problem with playing ball with such a request from Hicks.
Most probably. Hicks was one of Haberman’s main contacts, if not THE main contact within the WH.
I am pretty confident that Little Miss Access Journalism would have zero problem with playing ball with such a request from Hicks.
Well maybe Martha went in that way but she came out a much cooler Martha. Just ask Snoop.
Don’t rag on Martha, she’s a good Democrat - that’s how she ended up in prison when so many who have done the same thing she did get away with it - like about 90% of Congress.
This seems like a poor assumption for anybody in this administration.
I wonder if I would have been dumb enough at 22 to know to run screaming from an opportunity to get myself into so much trouble. Sooper-seekrit advisor to this guy, with all the (necessary and appropriate) tangles and nests of regulations and restrictions. You need to be some kind of career staffer wizard to figure all of that out if you want to have any actual effect.
I don’t think I would have been that dumb, but I don’t know. I did some dumb stuff at 22.
Trump helped (dictated himself) the STORY that they were feeding the press. That story was never given to Congress, under oath or otherwise, by Junior. It fell apart like I indicated, when the NYT was about to release the email chain, so Junior pre empted them by releasing it himself, thus proving the original story they were peddling to the media was a lie.
But it was never given to Congress. Not that they wouldn’t have tried. Its just their incompetence saved them in this case.
Thanks! Good to know! I had forgotten the particulars.
She was visibly pissed when Colbert brought it up while she was doing a cooking segment on his show last night. She refused the bait and kept on cooking.
It can’t be obstruction if the president does it. Or something.
Remember the party line is that what Nixon did was get caught in a witch hunt.
Interestingly enough, this is somewhat topical.
Stewart was sentenced for a series of charges, all related to Obstruction of Justice…not for actual insider trading.
I bring this up, because the “can’t be obstruction if their is no underlying crime” is complete and utter bullshit. Stewart is a case in point…
There were a lot of stories early on that her entire family was aghast that she was working for Trump. Perhaps they got to her.
I have great affection for her these days. Thanks for being that way about it - you’re very cool too. hahahaha
Corallo is “spinning” it as “spin” (rather than obstruction).
Thanks for bringing it up - I thought it was perjury on the insider trading that got her. I didn’t realize it was obstruction. I’ll be goddamned. I know that’s bullshit. It is like a law school exam question trying to insert that requirement. And under the elements of the crime, the defendant doesn’t have to have obstructed justice, you only have to show that the defendant attempted to obstruct justice. We saw him do it and admit it.
I think Trump will pardon anyone he can. It’s an exercise of totally autocratic power and his fans will love it.
Its the admitting part that makes it easy. Usually, proving specific intent can be problematic. But Trump gave up his specific intent to the nation!
Yeah I agree - intent is the real bugaboo of obstruction but since he admitted it, I guess Barr had to make up this other notion.
And he fucking made it up.
You have to put aside all the BS posturing that the right is doing right now. Trump is still in a great deal of legal jeopardy, as are his inner circle and spawn. Each pardon he spends on people involved in all of this, makes the political cost of the next one even greater. He is going to safe them for family.
Hope already landed at Fox News as chief communications executive.
I have been saddened more than I can say about the Mueller report and how it’s being handled by the media.
One bright spot - there has not been a mass firing of lawyers from 45* 's legal team, and knowing what a cheapskate he is, I think he might still need them.
she skates out of this one, no way is she going down