Discussion for article #234887
Rather than go after him, with or without cutlery, I’d rather everyone on the planet simply ignored him.
His ilk are better off ignored and forgotten.
Yep, he has already gotten too much press as it is.
Who would be friends with that person…even if you hated gay people for whatever reason, would you want to associate with someone who wants a law to murder? The hell is wrong with christians these days?
“Go after him with a knife and fork,” Bruce C. Bridgman told TPM when reached by phone.
What a great reason to go vegan.
They ain’t Christians. They’re Christianists.
“The bar association should revoke his license. This clearly indicates
moral turpitude and advocates illegal conduct and heinous, horrible,
reprehensible conduct,” he said. “So I hope that the bar association
takes action.”
I’ve been saying the same thing, almost verbatim, regarding that war criminal John Yoo:
I’m not so sure this McLaughlin guy isn’t just a troll. Perhaps a refugee from 4Chan? One whose goal isn’t so much to pass the resolution as it is to shock.
It is as tiring to say it as to hear it, but this is a “no true Christian” claim. There is an amazingly wide range of beliefs in Christianity, many of them in contradiction with each other. If you can say the Nicene Creed like you mean it, you are a Christian. You might be a good person, or a bad person, but you are still a Christian.
If I didn’t know any better, I would swear that this ‘Kill-All-Gays’- was a prank pulled by a lefty with an odd sense of humor. This proposal is so outrageous and over the top, it seems to have been designed by someone who wanted to expose the ugly hate on the right and/or California’s crazy initiative process. I’m also a bit amazed at the response from the local California media establishment. Last week the LA Times maintained that Attorney General Harris has no choice but to allow this joke to proceed towards initiative signature circulation. I mean come on! The notion that the Attorney General must cooperate in the initiative processes with respect to a proposed law that would allow citizens to summarily execute someone for being guy is patently absurd.
Somebody should find a good reason for exploring his computers and digging up his back yard.
Let the people vote on it. I want to see how sick the population of California really is.
I’ve often suspected that there’s something in our DNA that creates certain people whose only purpose in life is to warn us away from being too ridiculous. That they say and do certain things that people of all stripes look at and say “Ok, yeah. That person has gone too far. Thanks for the warning.” And thus help bind us together.
The “God Hates Fags” people are like that, and now it looks like we have a new member of the group. Such people should be pitied and secretly thanked. By sacrificing themselves by being batshit insane, they help pull those who are merely semi-insane from going all the way. And for that, we should all be grateful.
If it were written with random upper- and lowercase letters, I would suspect Eustace of having us all on.
If the lawyer were from anywhere else in California but Orange County, I might agree that being a prank is a possibility.
Gawwd’ almighty…these Republican Righties, Fundies and Baggers spend more time worrying and thinking about gay sex and the lives of the LGBT community than any gay person I know. Damned if the mental state of Wingnut Cons like this McLaughlin make ISIL look tolerant.
I think I’ll go out and offer up a counter initiative: Make sodomy mandatory and death to anyone who opposes or does not practice it. Winning…Duh! ___or maybe Soduku?
Is this guy a complete cypher then? No one else knows the guy?
And of course, he’s a complete coward and is not answering his phone.
Is Gregory McLaughlin working for ALEC? ALEC if being funded by the Koch’s and some others to do a variety of things and including writing these so called " religious freedom" acts. These acts have zero to do with upholding one’s religious freedom and have everything to do with discrimination in the public place by imposing one’s own religious laws and views on the public…in other words, the US is under attach from our own religious extremists how basically have their own set of laws (kind of very much like Sharia law).
ALEC and their deep pocketed benefactors are attacking our Democracy!