Go Tony Go!
State Superintendent of Schools trying to beat a guy who wants to destroy public education and state higher education.
Come on, Wisconsin. A little education never hurt anybody - nor did a lot. Try it sometime.
I know it used to matter to you.
Evers will need all the help he can get.
UW Madison has really suffered under Walker’s governorship - the brain drain to the Univ. of Minnesota is a real result of the budget cuts. Come on, Wisconsinites, return that campus (and all WI education) to its former glory.
Please check this link. I clicked on it to make a small donation and it showed that I had already pledged $50 (maybe I did something wrong, but I would hate to discourage small contributions)
Does Wisconsin not have term limits? How many freaking times can Walker run?
I’m pretty sure that’s just the pre-suggested amount.
“Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Evers (D) has won his crowded primary, setting up a major clash with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker ® in the fall.”
With our help, teachers will save the world.
Thanks for the link!
Democratic turnout in WI and MI is impressive tonight. In WI, despite having a slew of candidates and far less money than Scott Walker, the total Dem turnout is currently running at almost 88k more votes for Governor than the GOP. In MI, Dems have nearly 251k more votes for Governor.
Glad to see Tina Smith wiping the floor with Richard Painter as her mop. The real test for Painter in my view is whether he gives a quick and enthusiastic endorsement of Smith.
We have a lot of sleeper House candidates in WI and MI that will win districts for Team Blue.
Randy Bryce won the WI-01 primary. I was not a supporter of Bryce but I think it’s time to give him his due. He is a good competitor. He raised a ton of money and at least gave Ryan something to think about when Ryan ultimately decided not to run. He fended off a feisty candidate and won. I think he has a decent chance to win in the General Election.
I’m sure that sounds hyperbolic to many, but I really believe it.
Thanks. I had a malfunction when I tried (It would only let me go forward with $50 or cancel the donation entirely; something was obviously wrong on my end.)
I sincerely believe IronStache basically forced rAyn into retirement. Mr. Spine simply couldn’t bear a humiliating loss at the hands of a first-time political candidate.
The most honorable profession. Son, daughter-in-law, granddaughter all teach elementary school.
My sister and I are both teachers. When we’re successful, we can stimulate curiosity and a desire to learn, teach young people to see issues from the perspective of others, promote the ability to work cooperatively with peers, and help students discover their talents and who they really are. These goals aren’t all achievable with every student in every situation, but this is what good, committed teachers strive to do every day if they have the support they need.
Not sure how much it matters to people, but FYI, any donation you make through ActBlue or any other aggregator is reported as an itemized donation, which means your name and address is public. If you give directly to a candidate, donations of $200 or less are unitemized and donors aren’t reported.
No guarantee obviously, but it seems like a good sign that with heavily contested statewide races (gov for Dems, Senate for Rs) the Dems had a big lead in turnout, and also had bigger turnout in the primary for Ryan’s seat where both parties had primaries.
Good to know. I used to donate through ActBlue, but I now get up to a hundred political emails a day, driving me insane. So I’ve stopped donating to candidates completely. I’ll start up again, donating directly to candidates.