Every Dem who ran in the Primary needs to use any leftover campaign cash to support Evers, NOW. Walker is as despicable a scumbag as Trump or Kobach or McConnell and a poster creep for everything that is wrong with the GOP. Take him down Wisconsin, take him down and don’t Evers let him up!!
Yep. The next governor of Wisconsin, if I have anything to say about it.
ETA: this was not a full turnout in Wisconsin, either. WI has a closed primary. I can bet dollars to donuts, the turnout in November could go even stronger for Tony, when the unaffiliateds are allowed to speak.
I am getting ready for the ads against Tony.
Thanks to both of you for these notes. The provided link was only a suggestion. As you observe, there are other good (maybe better) ways to help candidates who deserve a chance.
Kentucky teachers literally killed Gov. Bevin’s political career. He’ll lose in a landslide if he runs for re-election next year.
The world is not an unreasonable goal.
It wasn’t a closed primary, but it was held on what is widely-regarded as move-out and move-in day for college students. In Madison, many of the leases end on August 13 and begin on August 15, leaving students to sleep in their cars or go home for the night. Wisconsin used to have our primaries in April-- this one was ridiculously planed so that college student couldn’t vote.
But they will be there in November. Trust me. There are a lot of social media pushes to young people that this is their chance to save themselves. The Dems have to make a strong presence on the larger campuses to ensure that the students are registered and that they turn up to vote. Failing that, to ensure that the students register back home and file an absentee ballot (which, even in the 70s, I used to do during the semester).
OK folks, we need to support Evers NOW. I am going to his website now and making a donation. We have to help the entire Country. Every state that has a good Democrat running needs money. I’m a widow, living on a fixed income, and I am still able to give something. Those of you who can give, please give as much as you can to every Democrat you believe deserves your help. This is how we win. We help each other!!!