Discussion for article #245748
“Obama radiates an ethos of integrity, humanity, good manners and
elegance that I’m beginning to miss, and that I suspect we will all miss
a bit, regardless of who replaces him,”
“Gee thanks, Dave. Hey, where’s yours? Did it go out for a smoke?”
Tell all of us who it was who said this:
‘I’m paid to be a narcissistic blowhard’
All that I’m going to remember from you and your ilk is teaching your nasty followers the word “petulant,” about the worst-fitting descriptor for Obama that one could conjure up. Huge pet peeve of mine how conservative talking heads meme that term while acting like they were making an original observation.
Let’s be clear, David. You are talking about Republican candidates. You might have been more honest and made that clear.
Heeeeeere we go! I suspect this is about to become a theme in the press, and I’ve said as much in the past. The press has been cruel to this president, especially over the last couple of years when he refused to become a lame duck long after they’d decided that’s what he should be. They’ve given him almost no credit for his accomplishments, credit that they would undoubtedly be showering upon a Republican. They’ve treated every historic win with a very bored “meh, I could’ve done that”. No matter how outrageous and disgusting the attacks from the other side have been, the press has been all too eager to toss up their hands and say “BOTH SIDES”. They’ve treated blatant racist rhetoric as valid criticism, and parroted the nastiest of lies as if it were gospel. They are as much to blame, even more so, for the sorry state of American politics than the Republicans.
I have long thought there would come a day when the press would decide to give Obama the old nostalgia treatment wherein they look back and start finally giving him credit. I just assumed it would be long after he’s gone from the WH.
“I Miss Barack Obama.”
One of those extremely rare moments I agree with Brooks. Ah how much I wish for O’s third term.
This was the most predictable development ever. For establishment Republicans, Obama will quickly become that in-retrospect-pretty-decent-President against whom they can measure their deep unhappiness with shrill-divisive-radical President Hillary. Just as they did before, more improbably, pitting in-hindsight-not-such-a-bad-leader President Bill against Maoist-Muslim-America-hating Barack HUSSEIN Obama.
Shorter David Brooks: I know the candidates on my side are total shite, but I don’t want to play my hand, so I will make sure I lump everyone in there.
You are so right! Whenever I hear someone say, “Well, they all do it,” I want to scream and pull their hair out. It is just as stupid–and wrong–as FOX Entertainment’s ‘Fair and Balanced’ act. Not even close.
Thus spake the High Priest of the Very Serious Holy Church of Both Sides Do It Equally High Broderism.
Brooks is every bit as contemptible as Rush Limbaugh in my book. The fact that NPR continues to provide a weekly platform for this asshat is just one of the many reasons I stopped listening to NPR’s political coverage over 8 years ago. Worse than fucking useless, all of them.
Here’s where I get my solace: The Obamas are just hitting their stride and will be able to accomplish so much more when they are out of the White House. They have a vision for this country and I think in retrospect we will all see that the presidency served as a launching board for what they will accomplish in the future. And I do mean they. I love BHO, but let’s be real. Michelle is the real powerhouse in this operation.
I fully expect them to do that… while, sadly, keeping doing this both-sides-do-it “fair and balanced” business and thereby pretending this sad state of current politics is someone else’s fault.
I’d vote for Michelle over Hillary any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
“…he refused to become a lame duck long after they’d decided that’s what he should be.”
This hits the nail on the head. There’s nothing the beltway press loves more than Ye Olde Conventional Wisdom. They grew up hearing how Presidents are useless for their final couple of years, and now they want to use the cliche themselves, regardless of whether it applies or not. (Hint: it doesn’t.)
Finally Brooks admits the GOP is a sleaze bag party with no class. Thanks
A Tweet from the Donald calling Brooks a pussy in…
Yes! And this screams “Chuck Todd”…loudly.
Agree with your most of your comment – except I think they are both powerhouses whose strengths and talents compliment each other.
That’s because he’s exactly who I think of every time I hear anyone in any context say, “both sides”.