"Only the Lord knows the condition of a person’s heart. I can only tell you what I’ve heard,” Dobson said. “First, Trump appears to be tender to things of the Spirit. I also hear that Paula White has known Trump for years and that she personally led him to Christ.”
"Do I know that for sure? No,” Dobson added. “Do I know the details of that alleged conversion? I can’t say that I do.”
He continued “Some people say, that Trump found Christ. I am not saying this”
This is 100% Pure Trump
“Did you get ahold of Jesus?”
“Yeah, sort of. I left a voice mail. He hasn’t called back though.”
“OK, that’s good enough, at least you tried.”
the “details” of the alleged conversion.
OK, OK, so a white pigeon crapped on him…
“He did accept a relationship with Christ." I don’t think the man heard right. He said accepted a relationship with Christie.
Who fuckin’ cares?
Well, for starters all the people on the “Trump’s Little Crackers” production line.
At least bearing false witness isn’t one of those important things to avoid.
Great comment. But those workers are in Bangladesh.
For this level of abject stupidity and pseudoreligious “faithiness”, words fail me.
Donald Trump will take as much guidance from a "faith advisory committee” as he would from an “etiquette advisory committee”.
The committee members seem to have their work cut out for them, given that Dobson called Trump “a baby Christian who doesn’t have a clue about how believers think, talk and act.”
But don’t worry. Jimbo will be right there to tell him how, right after a bag of candy and a nice ride in the van with no windows.
Jesus turned down donnie’s Facebook friend request yesterday.
I did not say what I said. That was the Liberal Media!
Dobson: “Well, Trump was talking about tax-breaks for us, and maybe my mind wandered a bit, with visions of dollar bills all around him, raining from heaven. Or something. Or…the devil made me do it!”
I have a suggestion for Dr. Dobson:
- See whether Donald pounds a square peg into a round hole or a square one. Lube is not allowed.
- Strip down and wrestle with him for a while in a rough and tumble sort of way. The sweatier the better.
- Then—and this is the most important test—take a shower with Trump and compare the size of your penises so you can prove to each other you’re not gay.
Only after these tests will you know whether Trump has taken Jesus into his heart.
“I lied.”
Dr Dobson apparently saw an image of Donnie Dipshit’s face in his morning toast and thought Jeebus was sending him a message…
Awww, Blue, you stole my line!
(Don’t you just love Borowitz??)
He’s one of the reasons I resubscribed.