European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker on Thursday said that he’ll encourage individual states to secede from the U.S. if President Donald Trump keeps pushing for other countries to leave the European Union.
Oo, la la! Les tits pour les tats!
May I recommend starting with Alabama?
Exactly, why just Austin and Ohio? The Brits may be right about Junker. A technocrat who lacks true vision.
Sadly, we have a real issue. The part of the country most likely to secede, all things being equal, is the South. (Since the last time the South left we got land-grant universities and the Homestead Act, I’m all in favor of it.) However, the Nyarker in charge is highly supported by the South, making it much less likely to secede.
I am glad to re-read the recap of how Trump was clueless about Brexit weeks before the vote. His pathetic press conference in Scotland, to promote his club and tiny hotel, was when he declared some kind of almost ownership over the issue - which he has done ever since.
As trump tweet wages war on dems and the freedom caucus, his ongoing pushing affinity for Brexit elicits a push back from the Leader of the EU. Great Coalition Builder.
He must really believe that “Only I, alone can fix (insert random topic)” - b/c he’s alienating the hell out of everyone else.
Agreed - the South is happy with Washington for the first time since the Civil War. Out here in California, we’re the ones that want to leave this time!
Something OT, but really interesting, which may show a different method of getting Republicans on board for investigating Russiagate. Turns out some of them were victims!!
Never fear, Jean-Claude, nothing succeeds like secession when you live in slippery KY…so pull out, everybody!
Owing to the idiosyncracies of our constitution and electoral system, the South and other conservative, rural states have disproportionate power relative to their population size and contribution to the national economy. They are in the catbird seat. They essentially run the country. Why secede? NY and the Pacific Coast, on the other hand.
Oh yeah, That reminds me.
Trump is a fucking moron,
Clueless about history or international affairs
There is no legal avenue for state to secede. Unlike for countries in the EU.
Seems fair.
Trump feels an affinity with Brexit because both succeeded on the basis of magical thinking. The people of the English midlands (the people who voted overwhelmingly for Brexit) were convinced that once the UK left the EU the steel mills of Sheffield and Birmingham would magically reopen (and be fired by coal from Welsh mines). In much the same way the people of the Rust Belt were convinced that if Trump were elected the steel mills of Ohio and Pennsylvania would magically reopen (and be fired by coal from Kentucky and West Virginia).
Of course, there was a great deal of xenophobia and racism involved, but it’s doubtful that this would have prevailed without the magical thinking of the reopening of the steel mills.
Fun Fact:
Slim Whitman held the record for the longest time at #1 on the UK Singles Chart (36 years), until 1991.
Hey, don’t think you all out in CA are alone on an island on that one, huge swaths of the country (New England, most of the rest of the Eastern Seaboard, many Great Lakes states) would likely more be than happy to, at this point, just convince the South, actually you guys won, see ya later - certainly an idea worth considering, at the very least - if apparent treason with Russia - i.e., not just ordinary treason with a hostile foreign adversary, but Russia - can be swept under the rug, a lot of things might need re-examining…
Donald J. Trump
They will soon be calling me MR. BREXIT!
6:11 AM - 18 Aug 2016
Actually, they will soon be calling you "The Asshole’s Asshole’ No ‘Mister’ involved.
In fact, they already do.
And don’t forget the magical thinking by Democratic elites that they could continuously ignore addressing the conditions in the rust belt but at the same time forever win votes in the rust belt. Yes I know Trump will teach those voters that actually no elites from either party really care about them. It must suck to be them and not like the demographic that posts on the site. Am I right guys?
If you look at the voting pattern, the Rust Belt voted for her.
This Rust Belt populism is a myth.
touché - good point