Discussion: EU Leader: If Trump Keeps Pushing Brexit I'll Back US State Secession

Well you can go ahead and try. I’m sorry that the Trumpster is interfering in your politics. HELL, I’m sorry he’s interfering in OURS but in the US we don’t take kindly to ANY foreigner sticking their nose in our business so it’s probably not worth your time. Threaten Trump with something else…how about not approving another hotel and/or golf course over there???


I think the magical thinking here also involved the familiarity of the celebrity and the predisposition to equate wealth with smarts/ability to do. AKA If anyone can do something this mega wealthy star can.

I agree that bigotry (and misogyny) played a role, but absent that magical thinking, I don’t think they would have led to a win. Hell it didn’t lead to an outright win.

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Remind me which party advocated for federal intervention to save General Motors from bankruptcy.


As a CA native I can say the idea is gaining traction. With the US unwilling or unable to come to terms with Russia taking over our elections etc. With a political party no longer even trying to hide the fact that they work for the 1% and will do everything they can to hurt the rest of us, with ignorance being embraced by a wide swath of the country,why stay? If CA left I think many states would follow suit. The entire west coast would be gone, in all likely hood. This unprecedented mess we find ourselves in could have consequences no one anticipated.


In August 2016, Trump tweeted that he would soon be known as “MR. BREXIT.”

Around here he’s known as “Asshole.”

You act as if California can just decide one sunny day to pull out of the union and other states follow and that’s it.

We fought a bloody fucking war over this issue. No state can leave the United States legally. If a state wants to leave the union then they will have to commit treason.

If Juncker’s comment is typical of the statecraft we may expect from the EU then the Brexiters have a point.

I’d willingly refight the Civil War if the Union could just see fit to fucking lose this time.

You have been misinformed.


Apparently, you are operating with a different Rust Belt. Tell me which of Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania Clinton won.

Ok, let me rephrase. They didn’t change their voting pattern in this election. They were already going red.

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No he’s not.


“Brexit? Your position?” interviewer Michael Wolff asked Trump.

“Huh?” Trump replied, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
“Brexit,” Wolff repeated.

“Hmm,” Trump said.

Well shit, donnie, didn’t know you had it in you! We’d all be better off if you responded that way to all questions you don’t understand instead of just issuing word salad.

Of course, that would then be his response to every question, which is a large part of the reason we’d be better off. I know my head would explode far less often if every quote from him was just “Huh? Hrmh? Hmmmm?” - yeah, just a series of grunting noises! I could deal with that and my poor, leaking brains would appreciate it for sure.

PS - In case the GOP Gestapo is reading, when I say “leak” above, just assume I mean the good kind of leak: the kind that allows donnie to claim he’s vindicated.

I find it ironic that within the span of just 2 sentences you talk about “Russia taking over our elections” and “with ignorance being embraced by a large swath of the country, why stay?”

You ARE aware of the fact that the Calexit campaign was organized and is run by a Russian with offices in Russia donated by the Russian government, aren’t you?

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I’d hold off on the celebrations. Trump would love for this to happen. So would Russia. What do you think the big military build-up is for? You don’t fight terrorism with aircraft carriers. But they come in mighty handy when you want to conquer, occupy, and subdue the independent nations of California, Oregon, Washington, and New York…then turn them into trust territories ruled by the federal government.

Calexit is a trap. U.S. would agree willingly to secession then turn around and conquer us by military force, turning us into an occupied territory. You think a treaty would protect against that? Ask your Native American friends how that worked out for them.

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Should be aware also that there is already a movement in California, calexit, that is in the works. It already has enough support that it may be on the next ballot. Some of the argument for this is not only the political stuff, but also there are states like California that give a lot more to the federal than they receive. There is good evidence that California’s economy is substantial enough to survive, perhaps even thrive, without the Union. Many on the Southern states, such as Texas have been continually benefiting from the feds and it is likely that they would go through a depression if separated. Also, we have the curious fact that it is difficult to argue against the legitimacy of withdrawing from the union. Seen a couple of arguments for and against, but it is not clear. Also remember, that up until the Civil War there was no clear concept that the United States were clearly a single country. At that time the discussion was negated when the South started the war.

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Yes but the fucking war settled that question despite what you say. There is no mechanism for a state to leave the union. NONE. This is one country and if California votes to leave, they are committing treason because that’s what the Confederacy did.

You cannot vote your way out of the United States.

No, not that clear. Separation is not Treason, Treason is an attempt to overthrow a government or to betray it in such a way as to damage it, and the real legitimacy of withdrawing from the Union has never been clearly established, especially since most of the States in the Union at present have never actually been involved in the question. There are multiple reasons why the Civil War happened, but the Secession of the states that became the Confederation has not been established as one of the justifications. In fact, that discussion might have taken place if the South had not fired the first shots.

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That ties in perfectly with “Civil War 2 - The Revenge of Stupid White People”

Just like how the European Powers all backed different factions in the Civil War, they can do it again!

You better take another look - breaking the union is treason and it was considered treason when the Confederacy seceded. Otherwise the union would not have gone to war with them over it.

YOu are dead wrong about what caused the war. It was the secession of the states.

And you are dead wrong about the outcome if the South hadn’t attacked Ft. Sumter. The US saw the secession as treason to the US.