Discussion for article #238180
Damn. Peak Donald is peaking too early for my tastes.
He hasn’t even had a chance yet to take out multiple candidates in the GOP demolition clown car debate yet.
“This is certainly not good,” Trump said on Fox & Friends this weekend. “For the people who say I’m doing it for my brand—this isn’t good for my brand.”
Batshit crazy isn’t his brand?
So now we get to see Keith Fernandez slice a tee shot into some mimosa bushes 47 miles away?
Name three who say that, Badger-on-Head
Holy cow!!!
How a few dozen insane words spewed in a few minutes span can destroy an empire built in a lifetime. It will take years to recover from this nonsense, if at all.
He probably just thinks all those rapists and drug dealers have a stranglehold on American big business, and he is the little guy fighting for truth, justice and the American way.
Delicious…More of the dumping please…Why are there no condemnations of the tea gop candidates that are standing up with him? The freaks just keep on freaking in the media and slimming up the airwaves…
Just desserts for the comb-over!
"ESPN…Stay off my golf course!" rotfl
Gott dang it! He’s gonna’ be gone before he can do maximum damage to the Republicans…and what’s to become of the amazing entertainment factor he could provide! Oh…the humanity!
I dream of that first debate, Trumpet’ red faced and YOOOOGE’, on the stage between Paul and Christie, all three ready to have a hissy fit at any moment…Christie and Trump devolve into fisticuffs and Rand marches of the stage, tiny fists at his side, mumbling for his bodyguards to killem’ both! ~sigh!~
Oh well…looks like Ms. Canuba’ is still going to show up at the Miss Universe pageant. So…some good news for the Trump Chump.
Good job senior management at ESPN! That’s why I get all my sports information from ESPN as oppose to Fox Sports Network. ESPN has always been about inclusion and equality and they demand it from all their employees.
I’m actually pleasantly surprised that Trump hasn’t maligned Stuart Scott … yet.
I’d like to agree with you, but we all know how fickle the average human being is.
Like MacArthur, he will return.
I’d just like to see him humbled a bit and dial down the vitriol. Heck, I’d like to see them all do that.
That’s what a lot of folks believed, that Trump was only using the GOP primary to sell more tacky crap and increase viewership for his fledgling reality show. With the reality show now kaput and retailers refusing to sell his trash, a grifting run for president is now the real thing.
It’s way more than a few dozen words. The very racist comments about our president that he’s repeatedly made for the last seven years are undoubtedly a factor as well. He just finally crossed a line where his racism and hate can’t be dismissed as political opinion.
He is a very powerful man and he will not disappear any time soon, but it will take a lot of wounds licking to get back where he once was. Not too many people want to associate with Mel Gibson after his Jews rant as an example.
I’d just like for him to go back doing what he was doing and stop with his nonsense.
I agree with you, he crossed a line and took it way too far.
Thankfully antebellum-themed chain “Trump Plantation Resort & Spa” remains unscathed by this parade of overreactions.
There is a Trump Vineyard down the road from me in Charlottesville, VA. I would never buy his swill or visit his “winery” but I’m kinda hoping it dies on the vine.
Christie and Trump have what could be called a love/hate relationship that centers around Trump holdings including casinos in Atlantic City so he can’t very well come out swinging. As if.
Ah, hahahahaha! Keep talking tRumpie-boy!
As to donalds other comment as to “when does the US beat Japan at anything”
American women July 5 in Vancouver BC
And they won it decisively and with style.
AND with CLASS - THE only CLASS trump has is with a CAPITAL “A”