Good for ESPN. Trump is all about Trump. Running for president is just another way for him to holler, “Look at me!” Well, we’re looking now, doofus.
Sorry, I must disagree with your suggestion he go back to doing what he was doing. He has been doing obnoxious and extremely narcissistic things for many years. His birther movement brought him more attention, but his TV show, daily bloviated podcasts, and grandiose and over-the-top building projects have been annoying most of us for a long time. And, just ask Scotland how they feel about him. And Chicago, with his hideous TRUMP sign plastered on his building marring the lovely skyline.
I will only be happy if he is no longer able to keep doing any of the things he’s been doing. He needs to be institutionalized in the Asylum for the Extremely Narcissistic. (Along with Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, and quite a few others who are in politics today.)
It’ll be interesting to see if the World Golf Championships moves their Cadillac Championship from Trump National Doral in Miami FL to another venue.(1) It is next scheduled for March 3 through March 6, 2016. They barely have enough time to move it to another site.
Donald Trump has long coveted a USGA championship (preferably the US Open) to be held on one of his golf courses. In 2012, the USGA finally relented and awarded the 2017 US Women’s Open to Trump National Bedminster golf course in NJ.(2) Trump also was awared his first major, the 2022 PGA championship which will also be held at Trump National Bedminster.(3)
I am sure that the USGA and PGA are second guessing their decisions to go with Trump. Although condemning his words, they have declined to back out of their commitments. (4)
It is interesting to note that the USGA, PGA Tour, PGA of America and LPGA issued a joint statement (4), which means that they are discussing their Donald problem. As Trump continues to spew his BSC rhetoric, they may decide to risk a major law suit and cut their losses.
I’m going to be sorely disappointed if he fizzles out and leaves the race before he’s had enough time to do some damage to the party. I knew Trump would be insufferable and as fascinating as a car wreck, but even I didn’t expect him to reach meltdown status so soon. He’s over-delivering at this point.
That sign tells you everything you need to know about Trump as a human being.
The good news is that Trump strikes me as the kind of person who will fight it to the bitter end. I don’t think he will pull a Palin and quit halfway through. Especially after he has taken so many losses. I expect him to decide the only way to fix the problem is more truth-speaking. So I still expect to see him at the first debate, which hold on to your butt, is only one month away (August 6th @ 9PM EST on Fox News Channel)! I am counting down the days!
Also, I still can’t get over the fact that Univision is owned by Haim Saban, the creator of the Power Rangers, and who wrote the music for Inspector Gadget in the 80s.
In a last-minute decision, ESPN joined the growing number of companies that have severed ties with GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump
"You feel that sting, big boy, huh? That's pride FUCKIN' with you! You gotta fight through that shit"
I’m hoping these words are in his mind.
Trump is wondering what the hell he’s going to do with all those bumper stickers and yard signs. He’s going to end up dropping out even before the the first debate.
Somewhere, Jimmy V wonders “WTF?” and Stuart Scott finds the cool side of the pillow.
Congrats to both, for doing their part, even after death.
I will say, though, that my fondest memory of the Donald was (is) the fact that in '89, the gilded, gaudy Trump Tower in Manhattan had very nice bathrooms, accessible to those who knew they were there. Public restrooms in Manhattan? Not exactly easy to find. #FondMemoriesOfTrump
I suspect Lorena Ochoa might have a few things to say to the USGA.
That said? If the USGA, PGA, and LPGA walk away from Trump? Good grief. It’s like the white golfing folks all getting together and shunning an asshole. The cynical side of me suggests that they’ve been waiting for such an opportunity, and the hopeful side of me says “Whatevs! As long as this charlatan gets exposed for the crappy corporate overlord-wannabe, presidential (?) candidate wannabe?” Who cares?
Also, President Obama’s take-down of the Donald in 2011 at the WHPC dinner remains AWESOME.
When you play it straight I get all confused. But I am kind of literal…
Attn: TPM editors and article writer Allegra Kirkland -
(sorry for the long post - but please bear with me)
In Trump’s Presidential-Candidate speech in June, he did NOT mention anything about the status of immigrants nor did he specify anything about entering ‘illegally’ - He spoke generally of any-and-all Mexico-to-U.S. immigrants.
So the following part of your article is incorrect:
… for his June comments calling Mexicans who enter the U.S. illegally “rapists” and “criminals.”
I assume you have access to transcripts of his speech - and I assume you have access to the video of the speech – So I can only assume you either didn’t do basic due diligence in your reporting -or- you’re buying into or on-purpose want to spread the b.s. cover Trump and his defenders are claiming.
Trump not only spoke of ALL Mexico-to-U.S. immigrants in general, he also also said the country of Mexico is “not our friend” - In a speech announcing his run for U.S. President no-less.
Here’s that part of his speech (which I found easily online):
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
Those are the words from the June speech that got people upset… Trump made NO DISTINCTION about ‘illegals’ - as a matter of fact his wording made it seem like he was specifically talking about immigrants who come here through proper channels (ie. “When Mexico sends its people”).
And Trump has not (to my knowledge) said he misspoke during that classiest-of-classy announcement speech.
If I’m wrong and he did specify ‘illegals’ or ‘undocumented’ immigrants anywhere in his speech - please accept my apology and also direct me to that info - because I can’t find anything close to such a thing referenced in the June speech. Otherwise, maybe update the article and definitely your minds.
ETA - I just spotted this on another TMP article titled:
- Hispanic Leaders Slam GOPers For Standing By Trump’s ‘Idiocy’ -
His original comments, though, did not make a distinction between Mexicans who came to U.S. legally and those here illegally.
So this looks like it’s not a TPM-wide problem of misstating Trump’s original-statement… So that’s slightly reassuring.
You do realize, of course, that the primary motivation for this is the loss of control of GOP candidate selection by the corporate oligarchy.
You don’t really think they give a hoot about anti-immigrant madness and racism and homophobia, do you?
No, they are absolutely freaking that The Donald has jumped into the race and is tied for first place with Jeb! Bush in the latest polls. They will do whatever is necessary to get him OUT of the race so they, especially the Koch brothers, can continue their selection process of their next GOP candidate, hand picked, for the presidency. A candidate that is in the their control. They would of course prefer Walker from Wisconsin, but they are having problems there at the moment since the people of his state seem to be finally waking up to what a little fascist sh*t he is, with his latest attempt to destroy open records laws.
I am honestly surprised I have to explain this to you at this point.
Trump owns tons of properties, including several golf courses. I would love to have a dollar for every undocumented worker he has hired to work there.
“This is certainly not good,” Trump said on Fox & Friends this weekend. “For the people who say I’m doing it for my brand—this isn’t good for my brand.”
I’m certain he’ll find good uses for the Trump brand
He pretend owns those golf courses. As best I can tell, the developers/investors who actually own the courses pay Trump a licensing fee to use his “brand”. So all those mexicans he loves are actually pretend employees.
So, are you saying you are OK with Trump saying that ‘they’, that is, Mexico, meaning the Mexican government, is sending rapists and drug dealers to the US and is not our friend? And that somehow that is better than calling Mexicans who enter US Illegally rapists and criminals? I call that splitting hairs.
“Alright, Trump…outta’ the car and take the rest of these fucking clowns with you!”
Uhh… No. <–(I think that answers both your questions)
But to expand on that;
I think it’s shitty and factually-incorrect to say the things Trump said even about ‘illegal’ immigrants - But it’s even more freakish-and-wrong to say it about Mexico-to-U.S. immigrants in general and the entire country of Mexico.
The point of my comment was because;
It’s wholly discouraging that a TPM article is stating not-just-falsehoods about what Trump said in the speech, but falsehoods that make Trump look like a slightly less xenophobic bigot than he presented himself as in the speech (and falsehoods Trump would like to be spread, btw).