Discussion: Erickson Says US Should Fund 'Pinochet Types,' Hedges Slightly After Backlash

What a toxic bag of shit.


“Let’s only defend our putative interests by making them be authoritarian criminals against humanity” is, remarkably, not the bottom of the fetid swamp of Republican policy discourse in the year 2018.


He writes about how he loves flying his drone does he eject scaled down commies out of it?

Pinochet Types?

State Run TV?

Castrated DOJ?

Tear-gassing women and children?

Welcome to the Fourth Reich, folks…


IMO they are hoping to make tRump look mild by comparison

Didn’t that guy retreat to a monestary or something a year ago ? I remember something like that…Did they throw him out ?

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Bet he thinks the same about Hitler. German economy was running gangbusters right before the war…

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Howz about we crowd-fund an effort to drop Mr. Erickson out of a helicopter??


Wasn’t this basically our foreign policy for the region for several decades? But sure, it’ll work like gangbusters this time–as long as you don’t mind some torture and murder along the way.


Mr Erickson might think about improving his facial image by adding a moustache. Just a little one about as wide as the widest part of his nose. Kinda like this guy’s moustache …

Because if anything will cut down on refugees fleeing South/Central American countries it is putting ruthless tyrants and torturers in charge.

Although it is nice that they are starting to be honest about caring more about “free markets” than democracy. Because the objectionable part of “Communist Dictatorship” is the communist part, not the dictatorship bit.


We could raise a lot of money by forming a pool: “How high will he bounce?”


Erickson Says US Should Fund ‘Pinochet Types,’

AH! good the world does not have enough dictators. Now that is a better use of limited resources than helping to provide society with food, shelter, education, etc.


And Chuck Todd will have him on as a guest yet again, to decry how our parties have gotten so nasty and negative.


And just like MBS in Saudi Arabia, Pinochet cared little for who was affected by his violent undemocratic regime:

It is just so despicable that any American who considers themselves a believer in Jesus/Christianity/Evangelical or really any American believer or non believer to support the POTUS as he disintegrates our Democracy one institution or political norm at a time.


If there was a fool-proof way to bounce him off his chins his career might reach spectacular heights.

With that kind of ballast it would never get off the ground.

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I believe that all the world problems will be solved if Erick Erickson got sodomized with a red-hot poker…

Mmmmmh, I think I am not on board with my own idea, red-hot poker is bad…


Point well made.