It’s not too late.
That dickhead is my congressman, so I call first dibs.
No, Eric, THEY are the ones courting violence, not us.
Oh, who am I kidding? Where’s my babypowder…
"Somebody should have smacked his a–,” Holder said, reported by “They should have . . . told him to sit the f— down.”
Oh, wow, I see President Obama isn’t the only one who’s fresh out fucks to give. Tell us some more, Mr. Holder. What should they do to Trump?
Former Attorney General Eric Holder did not have kind words for Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), who infamously shouted "you lie!" during President Obama's 2009 State of the Union address, in an interview published Wednesday.
It was a speech to a joint session of Congress, but not a State of the Union address.
JUST SAY NO, to the WACKO Donald J Trump!
Wilson made his outburst after Obama said that undocumented immigrants wouldn’t be covered under his healthcare law. Wilson was promptly booed by other members of Congress.
Well, that’ll certainly show him. I take it he wasn’t reprimanded or censured in any way by the House.
In fact, I wonder if he got a medal from the “Freedom” caucus?
hatred is too strong a word
Uh ---- no it’s not ! —
While calling it the State of the Union here was just an error, I’ve noticed that in Republican mythology it’s always called “a State of the Union address”. I read that again on Breitbart in the comment section yesterday. But the fact is that had it been a real SOTU, that coward would never have DARED to say such a thing in that environment and with 40 million people watching. At a mere joint session he knew he could get away with it.
Racism to blame for some of the opposition to Obama? Impossible!
Holder: “There is a unique feeling of fear — hatred is too strong a word — but a feeling of anger, dissatisfaction with this president.”
“Hatred” is not too strong a word.
It’s the unifying theme of today’s GOP base.
(See: “Crazy McCain-Rally Lady”.)
"Somebody should have smacked his a–,” Holder said, reported by “They should have . . . told him to sit the f— down.”
That should not happen at a SOTU speech but in the cloakroom afterward.
it’s time for bball!!!
LOL. To which, I say, “Get in line, dude!”
The liar should have been smacked…please, please let me do it!
And can I have more than one turn?
“There is a unique feeling of fear
Unique for who Eric ? ? —
It’s not unique when that’s the only tool you have left —
I’ll hold the coward for you.
And what should they do with Darrell Issa, and Louie Ghomert? They were totally discourteous assholes to Holder in all the contrived bullshit hearings they conducted and their campaign against Holder.
I wonder if Wilson still pines for the Lost cause.