That’s almost enough to get me to move back to Virginia, just so I could vote against Brat!
Fortunately The Commonwealth of Va. is not district 7
Horrifying to have this fucker as a Senator. Doesn’t the (D) Governor get to pick the replacement until a special election is called? When is Kaine’s term up? Anyone…I’m feeling a bit lazy today.
“Congress, Senate the executive stuff, that is the stuff I love.”
Jesus H. Christ on a cracker - are there ANY Rethugs who can speak of work in Congress without sounding like they have severe brain damage??
First, Kaine ain’t getting the VP nod.
Second, even if he did, no way Brat gets elected statewide in all of Virginia. No way.
Kaine is up for re-election in 2018. Special election would be held in 2017. I don’t think VA would elect Brat even in an off year, he’s too kooky, Cuccinelli and his kooks were defeated in 2013 in what was a low turnout.
George Allen has some tips for Rep. Bratwurst (R-VA).
“Eric Cantor-Slayer”, ??
now, now, I know it sounds good, but really ? Cantor was not really a giant in any positive sense…
Hillary Clinton has yet to choose her running mate, but one congressman is already getting in line to replace Sen. Tim Kaine (R-VA) if he is chosen.
Uh, I get that he is a bit of a centrist for some people’s taste, but that seems like a bit of an over reaction…
Not by a long chalk!
It’s not that I don’t like Tim Kaine, but this is another good reason not to choose him. Hillary has to lock this thing down. And the only way she can do that is to choose Bernie Sanders as her one term Veep.
“Congress, Senate the executive stuff, that is the stuff I love.” I wouldn’t be GOOD at it but BY GOD I love it.
Brat wouldn’t get my vote! Of course, I don’t believe there is a Republican alive who would get my vote … so there’s that.
This piece was written by Lauren Fox. Maybe that kind of mistake is genetic for anyone or anything named “Fox.”
Since his likelihood of holding his house seat is low, makes sense to go for the Senate! Up or out!!
Well he was House Majority Leader with a cunning eye on becoming speaker. And he was one of the self-proclaimed “young guns” of the Party. Think of him as a pre-giant cut down in his pre-prime.
Thinking of him reminds me of the chuckle I get every time someone refers to a baseball or a football player as a “former Giant”
I thought the same thing. He’s a one-term House seat-sitter, and already not liked by his constituents. He’s thinking, “Well, might as well see if the whole of Virginia is dumb enough to elect me since I’ll have trouble holding onto this seat.”
Yeah, all reports suggest that his downing of the Cantor-mobile was sort of opportunistic, as Cantor was strongly focussed on national issues to the exclusion of local stuff. I don’t know this area well, but I would not be surprised to see another replacement. It could even go D, as it is N VA.
Like that’s gonna happen