Stupid, stupid, stupid. But not a surprise. Why would the rest of the world think there was any advantage to better efficiency? Getting rid of all of President Obama’s progress proceeds. Next: No more $2.00 gas.
ETA: Oh crap! Obama saved the auto industry.
The EPA reimbursed Vicki Hart, part-owner, healthcare
lobbyist and wife of energy lobbyist Steven Hart, for the
damage to the door, ABC reported
EPA To Loosen Rules For Automobile Gas Mileage, Pollution,
and responses to not answering the phone during ’ nap time ’ —
He’s working overtime at one thing - turning us into a 3d world country.
“EPA To Loosen Rules For Automobile Gas Mileage, Pollution.”
Just wondering–If something is entirely predictable, is it really news?
Car companies not only have to deal with California’s rules, they have to realize these regulations will be reimposed nationally with the next Democratic administration. If they were smart, they’d see the writing on the wall and prepare for the future.
This is in line with the rebranding of the EPA as the “Environmental Polluters Agency”
California AG Beccera is tanned, rested and ready to file suit. One-sixth of the economy and hey, States Rights y’all.
I’m concerned that the agency will never recover from the Pruitt insult. He has defiled it. Pruitt might as well have taken a shit on the Pieta while he was in Rome, touring the Vatican on the taxpayer’s dollar. It may take decades to regain the stature it had lost and regain the confidence of the nation.
I’m starting to wonder whether this isn’t a classic Russian dirty-tricks campaign against the US run by useful idiots and proxies. I have trouble coming up with any other logical explanation…
Well you probably remember when the crazy guy took a hammer to the Pietá - the Pietá is still there - I’ve seen it.
We’ll get out of here and it’s not all broken forever. It’s fixable just like Michelangelo’s statue.
We know air pollution is bad for people, even republicans.
We know that US auto makers face increasingly hard competition from other makers around the world.
We know they’ve functioned just fine with their emissions reduction technology.
Yep, let’s go back to polluting again for the very good reason of…
Donnie Dotard, leading the charge for coal fueled cars…
That pinko commie liberal Nixon created and funded the EPA. No wonder Republicans want to destroy it.
Say what? Nixon was a Republican? Oh come on, that must be fake news…
Imaginary Easter dinner conversation between trumpets and sane relatives.
Republicans keep accusing Democrats of not being for anything other than opposition to Trump.
“What are Democrats for?” they ask obtusely and sanctimoniously.
Well, let’s start here.
Fuel efficiency standards that were voluntarily agreed to by the automakers. Free trade agreements that created strong partnerships among our allies in North America and around the world. A global climate accord to reduce the impacts of climate change. An agreement to prevent Iran from getting nukes. Regulations that prevent banks from wrecking the economy by taking insane risks with taxpayer-insured deposits. A healthcare reform bill that provided coverage to millions and stabilized medical inflation. Regulations to protect the environment from corporate polluters.
All now under attack. And all because of the insane need to negate the legacy of President Barack Obama.
So, Republicans, what is it that you are for?
In the mean time, the rest of the world is tightening standards and pretty soon, the US won’t be able to compete. In short, this will be damaging to the US auto industry in the long term. In the short term, some execs might get some mighty big bonuses.
I’m fervently hoping you are right. I appreciate your “never say die” worldview.
Make America Gasp for Air Again.
California is the nation’s biggest car market and if Detroit decides not to comply with our standards all the business will go to foreign manufacturers. Smart move.
Your problem is trying to use logic to explain the actions of the DT maladministration. Occam dictates that one need look no further than the fact that this is the GOP, the party of corporate profit ĂĽber alles.