Scott’s attempt at sarcasm shows his true character, so that’s a good thing. But still, AOC might try a bit of humor that would have the effect of putting Scott in his place. Such as saying something about Scott have a knife fetish or something…
"I was just joking:" the last refuge of a GOP dumb-ass.
My teenager does the same thing trting to get himself out of trouble when I call him out on his attitude
America rejects socialism and will continue to.
Hands off my Medicare fraud!
How about “making a sarcastic comment about gun control proposals in the context of mass shootings, when there have been multiple mass shootings in one’s own state in the past few years, is an unconscionably harsh, and an unforgivable insult to the victims and their families.”
Ocasio-Cortez has entered into a battle of wits with a witless wonder. I wonder how that’ll work out for Ric?
Which speaks volumes of the competence and maturity of Rick Scottt.
Skeletor has no sense of humor to hide behind.
AOC got nothin’ on this young lady.
I was going to say that she ought to respond that she doesn’t have time to “bandy words with a witless worm,” but I’m not really sure who Saruman would be in this scenario and Scott’s got nothing on Wormtongue anyway, so the analogy sort of broke down.
“What’s next? Will we have to register sharp knives?”
Says the least sharp knife in the drawer.
Hands off my Medicare fraud!
“Skeletor”? Priceless.
In the hermetically sealed nutball universe, “AOC says…” brings the rubes to their feet and loosens their wallets. In the real world, not so much. That partly explains the nutball obsession with her.
“Skull Head” Scott is being disingenuous…again. He’s creepy.
A man of was fined 1.7 billion dollars for Medicare fraud ought not make bad jokes about socialism or the perceived inefficiency of government.
Medicare Madoff going mano-a-mano against AOC. That’s like Rudy Giuliani engaging in a battle of wits against Lawrence Tribe.
I know without a doubt AOC is the legitimately elected representative in the House for her district. Do we even know if Rick “Medicare fraud” Scott was duly elected? And, no, I’m not being sarcastic.
Why not? He was just proving that government doesn’t work. He was doing the country a service!