Doesn’t mean the 35 pups at least are all American seals - since they came from the sea, that would make them American NAVAL seals - and has anyone even considered how man of the adults are also American born?
I was just wondering whether the referenced other beach where these seals usually hang out was Año Nuevo
So you’re saying if the administration tries to move them, we should point out they’re disrespecting American Naval SEALs? I mean, these are elephant seals. We could probably convince him they’re all Republicans.
Yes but these ‘people’ were shooting them for sport, not for the environment. You don’t just leave them dying on the beach.
See what happens when you don’t spend enough on Border Control??? Now elephant seals are having anchor babies!!! Get the rubber bullets and tear gas, quick!
We need Wall in the Pacific.
I doubt it. There’s another beach at Pt. Reyes where the elephant seals hang out. I’m pretty sure it’s Drake’s Beach that has 100 ft. tall cliffs and you can look down at the elephant seals lounging about. I’ve seen the elephant seals at both Pt. Reyes and at Año Nuevo, but Año Nuevo is more than 100 miles away – a bit further than “around the corner.”
I think you’re absolutely right about that. My understanding, based on information from an Año Nuevo park ranger, is that elephant seals always return to the beach where they were born to mate and give birth. Sometimes those beaches get overcrowded and then they’ll move to someplace nearby. If I remember correctly, the colony at Año Nuevo began as spillover from the Farallons – or maybe the reverse. I can’t remember.
You’d better bring a few Ricola cough drops along …
Low elephant ceiling
" Deport them , send these grey colored seals back to where they came from , and cage the pups in Doofus Koncentration Kamps " - on Doofus* orders . ////////////////ssssssssssssssssss
That makes sense. The Sea Lions that make Pier 39 so popular with tourists, USED to hang out on “Seal Rock”. But after the Loma Prieda earthquake, for whatever reason, they started hanging out around Pier 39. Got to be a ‘problem’ as they hauled up onto the docks and got in the way of pedestrian traffic and boats. So the merchants built the dedicated floating docks just for the seals. BANG! Big tourist attraction, Win Win for merchants and marine life.
I remember it well. I lived at the north end of Van Ness during the 80’s and 90’s – just about a mile from Pier 39. Agreed it was a win-win for the merchants and marine life. As I recall, however, the boat-owners took some convincing!
I work with a guy that tells chicken crossing the road jokes all the time so I finally had a couple for him.
Why’d the chicken cross the road? To chase an elephant back to the ocean. and the other side of that. Why’d the elephant seal cross the road, because he was being chased by a chicken.
They normally hang out st Chimney Rock, much more exposed than here at Drake’s beach. Chimney Rock is inaccessible to people except by boat. I agree, however, that banishing them from the most heavily used public beach in the park is probably going to become a problem.
Ah yes, right you are. Chimney Rock. My nephew and I have hike out to the overlook a number of times, but I couldn’t remember the name of the beach and I was pretty sure we were looking out at Drake’s Bay (which we were) – hence my confusion. Thanks for clearing that up. I have a membership in the Pt. Reyes National Seashore Association. It’ll be interesting if they have updated information about this in their next newsletter. Thanks for posting this information – and for the beautiful photo!