Doesn’t matter where it comes from.
Congress didn’t appropriate it.
It is unconstitutional to use it.
Is that money that would normally stay in these pockets to avoid a future shortfall?
It’s money that could be used to offer better incentives to induce people to volunteer.
Imagine the Democrats making that proposal — that for whatever our project is, we’re going to cut military pay and pensions.
The howls from the right-wing fever swamps would be deafening.
Congress usually moves to zero out appropriations that aren’t used in the next bill.
Remember, appropriations don’t mean expenditures. They are the authorization to spend a certain amount of money.
John Cornyn is allways concerned; asshole
Why is recruitment down?
Where are all the red blooded Trumptards.
Even money will not get these sniffling little cowards to enlist.
Looks like they are following their leader.
Talk like a man but live like a coward.
Maybe the answer to both is they see how Trump treats the military and they don’t want to be props for his parades?
Just remember -if we can confiscate military funds to pay for the wall, we should be able to do the same to shore up Medicare and Social Security. You know -real emergencies.
Military recruitment tracks with private sector unemployment… higher unemployment rate = higher recruitment rates
“Support Our Troops!”
Off course they were not going to use the contractors money for that… that’s sacred.
“It’s coming out of military pay and pensions. $1 billion. That’s the plan.”
So Trump’s strategy is to kill off enough vets through medical neglect to free up a billion in pension payouts?
It might just work…
Assuming, of course, the GOP doesn’t reflexively give it all away as tax cuts to billionaires.
The Repubs: "We were enthusiastically against Donald Trump before we were enthusiastically for him!"
Bone spurned again.
An inherent conflict of interest between the VA and DoD. What to do, what to do…?
Because military pay is low and unemployment is down.
Just more proof that Republicans don’t really care about anything but team warfare and have no standards whatsoever. They know they shouldn’t take the money legally, it looks bad politically, and won’t fix anything. But because their leader will look bad if he doesn’t get it, they’ll toss all that aside for the sake of the team. And the mainstream media will pretend this is all normal because they get their story ideas from Republicans and still haven’t noticed.
And you have to live in shitty housing because it’s all been outsourced to for-profit companies.