Discussion: Durbin: If Trump Vetoes Hypothetical Funding Bill, 'We're In The Soup Again'

“Then we’re back in the soup again.”

That’s one expression I’ve never heard before.

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If the repubs were willing to pass a reasonable bill and then willing to override a veto we wouldn’t be “in the soup again.” Not all of the blame is due to DJT; the senate (and likely the house) repubs bear much of the responsibility.


Congressional Republicans seem to be unaware that Congress is an equal branch of the government. They act as if they’re completely powerless to do anything about a Trump Tantrum. Gutless wonders.


C’mon Senator, how about a bit of leadership or zing in your response?


If we’re going to be “in the soup again”, Durbin, just be sure that Trump is the frog you throw into the boiling broth.

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Oh, hell, with Trump we are in the sewer!

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Boy, Dick can really bring the fire.


Anyone know what the votes in the House and Senate were for the bill that re-opened the government?

Is it feasible that there may be a way to get a veto-proof vote?

Sen. Durbin also said this Morning Joe this morning, if Joe Biden should run president, he stated it was a private decision based on Sen. Biden’s personal decision. He was then asked about Hillary running, he said no, when he was asked about John Kerry running he basically said if he wanted to. Why can’t the one woman who ran for president, got the nomination like John Kerry, by Sen. Durbin statement cannot run, but if John Kerry wants to run it is his decision. My God, he didn’t even realize what he was saying, I was screaming. I agree that neither Joe, John or Hillary should run, their time is over, but this double standard of candidates shows why women are really, really angry.


There’s no such thing. What’s needed is for the Congressional Republicans to override a veto. Voting 100-0 for a bill doesn’t mean the President can’t veto it - if it comes back to the Senate and the G.O.P. spines all turn to Jell-O again, and they can’t muster 67 votes to override, we’re into another shutdown.

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Yes, millions of people will be returning to get free soup, at their local soup kitchen.


Yes, I am well aware of the process, apologies for the sloppy wording/semantics. The House and/or Senate can certainly send a message before any putative veto… Would Trump veto something that passed with a 2/3rds vote?

I’m guessing he almost certainly would, daring Congress to override. This is a stubborn three-year-old, who really will hold his breath until he turns blue. And I’m guessing that he’d find enough Republicans who are scared shitless of being primaried, and who would back down, to sustain the veto. They really are that craven.


There are no more phone booths …

the days of superheros are over —


Goes back a ways!

Or at least a short hose to help put it out with…Dick…he he he!

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You need to get out more. :wink:

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You must not go to the movies much.


drive-ins have gone the way of the phone booths …