Discussion for article #241893
The product of a teabagger upbringin’, I betcha.
$2000 bail for hitting a woman and assaulting a police officer, in addition to attempted destruction of municipal property and public intoxication while a minor? For pocket change any half-assed bail bondsman could have you out in 15 minutes. WTF?
Raging hormones, excess alcohol and Mrs Bickford, who name her son Triceten, and a bigot in one package …what could possibly go wrong??
He supports Ben Carson, though, so obviously he’s not a bigot.
He has a bright future on Pam Geller’s advance team.
$2000 bail , grab a woman by the neck, a woman you’ve never net , slam her head on the table, spit in some one’s face, shout kill them all.
This is what white privilege looks like, and it’s cheap.
Another sad case of Affluenza.
It’s terrible what the system has done to this otherwise noble lad.
After all, he seems nice.
Pretty much. If a Black man had grabbed a white woman by the neck, slammed her head into a table, spit on a stranger and a police officer’s face while screaming “Death to Whitey” we would be reading about another dead Black man today.
That’s a really good point. There are multiple felony charges here, at least two or three involving violence, why the hell was his bond so low? This guy is extremely dangerous. Alcohol can turn an otherwise decent person into an asshole, but this level of violence and hate goes well beyond the bottle.
His bond was low because he is white. No threat to society when sober.
True. Unlike the other case of a drunk college kid acting a damn fool over jalapeno macaroni and cheese, this actually does sound like a case where privilege is involved in his treatment by the courts and police.
This guys sounds like downing an aspirin and a Pepsi would be enough to shoot up a school.
Well, I think the Courts would also have to factor in, that this place is a Turkish eatery. So it would seem he was actively hunting such an encounter. All the more reason to keep his drunk butt locked up in jail.
Prayer mat dust allergy. It’ll get you every time.
Good point. He may have been actively looking for a Muslim to assault. It’s interesting and quite telling that he chose to assault the woman in the head scarf and not her husband.
He would have took on the nine year old son but the kid had twenty pounds on him.
More Rich White Privilege on display.
He “bit an officer on the leg” and there is NO charge of “assaulting a Police Officer”?
Christ, if he had been Black he’d be DEAD.
At minimum he’d have been strapped into a restraining chair and Tazed for the balance of the evening.
Insane. Had this been some drunk black kid doing this to a white woman and shouting “black power” and “kill all crackas”, he’d be held without bail and they’d be talking attempted murder. $10 says this little KKK posterboy gets off with probation and a misdemeanor so his precious conservative vote isn’t lost. It’s Indiana after all.