Discussion: Dowd Says Mueller Report (Which He Hasn't Read) Is ‘Pure Mischief,’ ‘Not Fair’

I hope he doesn’t I hope he runs hard against Trump.


I think this is the same John Dowd who was MLB’s independent outside counsel on the Pete Rose gambling investigation. Maybe that’s when he inflated himself and began thinking he was more important than he really is. Or maybe he is talking about Kenneth Starr and his Pit Bull Sexual Javert, Brett " El Boofer" Kavanaugh.


lol special councils “inflate themselves”. what the H. are you doing with that simplistic word “mischief”? Does Dowd really believe more than half the county are rubes like the 42%.why would a man with a JD and disguinshed career choose this particular word ? mischief. sounds like the mischief of the word"spying? emirate?



Starr? Dowd? Where’s Rudy? I want my Rudy!


This is all part of the campaign by Trumpworld to diminish the report before its released. If it wasn’t a threat, would they bother? Even Ken Starr, that paragon of priggishness, is out on Fox selling the same tale. He says “It’s not fair and balanced” if you can believe that.

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I remember being at a college concert. The last act was the Temptations (I won’t say who the opening act was :laughing:).

There is a Ken Starr rebuttal of the Mueller Report on another thread. Starr is the Temps.

This is the (has-been) opening act.

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Weld is in the same universe as Mitt Romney. Lawrence was giddy about the damage Weld can do to Trump…What’s more, Lawrence had data showing the correlation between strong primary challengers to Presidential incumbents and subsequent problems with re-election.

LBJ (1968)
Ford (1976)
Carter (1980)
Bush (1992)

What’s more, Lawrence showed a Weld Campaign video showing Trump’s lunacy in action. There are Republicans who DID NOT vote for Trump in the 2016 Presidential Primaries (more than HALF).

Weld, in talking to Lawrence, last night, sounded confident. Lawrence was smirking more snarkily than usual.


This is one item that will not be lost in the Trump manipulated news cycle…we’re all ears…

“How does he know if he hasn’t read it?”

he’s read it. when they asked barr if he had shared the report with the WH, barr refused to answer. if the answer was NO, barr would have declared, “absolutely not”. dowd has been reduced to ‘water carrier’. from tomorrow on they are going to be in clusterfuck mode, with designated hitters sent up to attack the nasty hits trump is going take. here’s hoping roger stone feels the need to get involved.



I really think Weld can do no end of damage to Trump’s campaign. I think he could get the nomination after a bloody fight if he has the stomach for it.

@edhedh - I am reasonably sure you are right.


Prince Hamlet might think that these folks “protest too much.”

@seamus42 !000 points for adding to our glossary: “Snollygosters.” Much appreciated!

Dowd’s ‘new’ favorite Beatles song is “Back in the U.S.S.R.”


Trump is a classic bully. He attacked Hillary…and it was easy (Bullies like easies) because of all that was thrown at her. And Hill was the classic woman-who-didn’t-know-her-place-who-doesn’t-come-off-as-June Lockhart/Florence Henderson-enough.

Weld is a decided underdog and he has no hill to be toppled from. He can shoot the works and he said as much talking to Lawrence…


Cool. That actually makes me want to see the GOP primary unfold.

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I would bet a pound of gold against a barrel of pigshit, that Dowd has seen the Mueller report. I would be completely out of character for all those involved, Barr, Trump, Giuliani to have the necessary restrain to avoid cheating.


“To me, it’s a probe that’s tainted by politics and by hate, and I don’t like it.”

That sounds like “total exoneration” to me…


Most criminals have an opinion on law enforcement, and it is remarkably similar to that of Trump and all his accomplices, enablers, stooges, and quislings.

By pure coincidence, of course.

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