Good hire, a part of me was hoping it was a woman of color. I think that would have made a louder statement considering their instrumental role in his victory.
My two cents.
Good for him, less shitty white people always helps society
It would’ve been better if he hired simply the BEST person regardless of race or gender. Thats what true diversity is about. Perhaps this person was the best one, but the idea that it HAD to be a POC is absurd
I much prefer the classy way that Senator-elect Jones announced the hire, by noting Mr. Graham’s prior management experience in government.
The fact that he’s from Alabama is a bonus and the color of his skin isn’t mentioned at all. It doesn’t have to be.
What an insanely dumb comment.
I imagine there are lots of really good people from the Obama administration available. They did actually hire the best. I never really paid attention to all the under secretary positions in government until this monstrosity of a maladministration took over and went searching through the swamp for the most ill-suited. I remember the Bush II admin had its issues, but even they are too smart to tie themselves to this honeypot of a wagon.
I respect your point of view, but absurd is a bit much. If you seek election and campaign to a particular demographic about how your election will benefit said constituency, its not absurd fill positions on your staff that physically represents the policies you ran on.
Again, my two cents.
And what does this prove, except that Jones has no balls, and is so PC that he can’t even pick his own staff. Very Sad. Oh, well, he’s only a one termer, since he didn’t win, Ray (the little girl fucker) Moore lost.
except that Jones has no balls
Says the guy with the alias talking smack.
Actually, there’s no evidence at all in the article that he was not the one who made the pick.
It proves no such thing. There are plenty of capable people out there, and he chose this one. Good luck to Senator Jones and his new chief of staff. It’ll be a rough ride, but I trust they’ll ride it out.
“Gresham’s hiring comes after advocacy groups urged Jones to hire people of color to lead his Senate staff given that minority voters helped propel Jones to a stunning victory in deep-red Alabama.”
Correlation is not causation. There is, in the story, no evidence, none, zero, nada, niente, that Grehsam was hired “at urging of advocacy groups.” Those groups may be happy at the pick, but that is likely a side-effect.
First, it’s pretty hard to decide who is the BEST, so if you find some suitable candidates, having some diversity of backgrounds can help you have a diversity of opinions on your staff. Further, given that African-American voters and turnout were a huge factor in Doug Jones’s win, it makes sense that he wants to pay attention to their issues and having an African-American chief-of-staff is likely to help that. Among other things, his race may make Jone’s black constituents feel more comfortable raising their concerns.
The importance of black turnout and support for Jones in this election was noteworthy. And I’m not sure the media coverage has emphasized this enough.
According to exit polls:
29% of those voting were black (they are 26% of the population)
96% of those black voters voted for Jones
Be fair. If Roy Moore had been elected he would have picked a 14-year-old girl to be his Chief of Staff, so, you know, he would have went outside the traditional white male staffer routine too.
What a poetic construction! Well done.
So, you’re just going to assume his pick couldn’t have possibly been the best choice? On some issues, the left is just as bad as the right.
Good for Jones and good for Alabama.
The Democrats really need to step up to the plate here and hire more POC in significant staff position. There’s no excuse for all the whiteness.
God help you, you sound like darcy or georgeh.
And that is as far from being a compliment as it is possible to be.