Discussion: Doug Jones Hires Black Chief Of Staff At Urging Of Advocacy Groups

Only if they are the most qualified choices.
Color shouldn’t really matter—it should always be about who can do the best job.


Nope. Need to stop this "only if the non white " is the most qualified. Stop it now!

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So people should be selected according to melanin content instead of qualifications for the position?

What a ludicrous idea!!


So…Jones has no balls, and you’re the dick?

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Your post assumes that one can actually be confident in identifying the best of a number of people whose qualifications appear substantially the same. That’s nothing but a fantasy.


Your use of proof would indicate that you have no conception of its meaning. Ma nishtana halaila haze?


Once you’ve narrowed the list to eminently qualified persons with whom you can work closely, it’s fatuous to believe you can select a universally best among them. Other criteria can then be applied to choose from your shortlist.


Exactly white males have had years to mess up this country.I say give women and minorities a chance they can’t do any worse then what we already had


Actually, the choice demonstrates Jones’ courage. Responses like yours are predictable – in DC, in Alabama, and elsewhere. I’ve taken hiring decisions against popular advice. I’ve taken hiring decisions when I could have been accused of buckling under to pressure. In all cases, I hired the person who I thought was the right person for the job. That’s what Jones did – and he’s done a good job of it.


And Jones would not have been elected if Black voters had not turned out in high percentages. If you followed the returns on MSNBC, Moore went from having a 40,000 vote lead to trailing when the Urban precincts began reporting.

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