We’re not fooled. Even though more Republicans have called for Trump to step down this morning, they still aren’t saying they won’t support him if he stays on the ticket.
Nope, GOP, you get to wear HO around your collective neck like a dead albatross.
He’s going to hang there and stink for a very long time.
We know that those Republican apparatchiks will still line up as The Party commands. Just like Communists did in the Soviet Union…
Kelly Ayotte: So independent she still supports Trumpie.
Ron Johnson: So focused on Wisconsin he still supports Donald.
John McCain: Such a maverick he still backs Trump.
Pat Toomey: So supportive of women he still likes Trump the best.
Nope, I don’t think it fools voters. It means, though, that there’s nothing that will cause so-called moderate GOPers to actually act on principal. I know lots of Repubs. They don’t want to talk about Donald. But they’re going to vote for him because emails.
Just a random observation, while Christianists embraced Trump, it seems to be mostly Mormon Republicans who follow their moral compass when it comes to Trump.
What has been done cannot be undone. Sometimes only Shakespeare is sufficient
So if Trump is the Bill Cosby of the GOP, that makes the GOP the Camille Cosby in this scenario.
This is working out great. I feared briefly that Trump would drop out and escape the humiliation he and his deplorable supporters, including members of Congress, richly deserve. Glad to see that Trump is forcing the issue. To his supporters, I can only say “Please proceed, governor … senator … congressman.”
WHY woN’t libTARd TPM eveN aDDREss EQUIVALent SCANDAL of HitlarY’s speech to WALL street??? Because LIBtard I guess.
of course there not going to take back their endorsement…there scared the crazies in the drumpf train wreck won’t pull that twisted lever for them…so they would rather go along with this shit stain of a candidates than pull their support out right
I just read that Pence’s wife is furious.
While Republicans seem deeply frustrated with Trump, very few are pulling their endorsements or statements of support at this point, a pattern that has been repeated time and time again when Trump has crossed the line. Statements of admonishment followed when Trump attacked a judge for his “Mexican” heritage, when he criticized a Muslim, Gold Star family, when he sought to ban Muslims from entering the U.S at all. And still, Trump remained the nominee.
And all becuz Hitlery is such a scary untrustworthy woman
It’s that woman thing dontcha know…
Kelly “Trump is a role model for children” Ayotte has now tweeted she won’t be supporting Herr Coir Coif.
Too late, Kelly. FO&D.
he certainly does!
" But Still Supporting Him" Ayotte no more
BOOM !!!=Pence will not be with Ryan in Wisconsin this afternoon.
As long as he was harassing single women, you know, sluts who wear bikinis and heels to become a beauty queen, it was OK. Just don’t go after a white man’s property, um I mean, wife.
Bad enough to be a woman and vote ®.
But-- to hold office as a woman, as a ®-- and not recant support for Donald Effing Trump-- now?
You’ve earned your scarlet ® letter Sen Ayotte:
This will leave Pence more time to go jogging with Drumpf and Krispy.