With you until you included my Governor and jogging LOL!!!
I suspect there will be more Republicans today following Ayotte and withdrawing their support for Trump. But, I’m with you - It’s TOO LATE for this to be viewed as some kind of principled stand.
They will tell you that their conscience requires them to criticize Trump’s behavior - but their fixation on winning regardless of the ethical issues will cause them to still vote for Trump.
the test would be - answer the question yes or no - do you still support Trump for President? very few of them will say that they emphatically do not support Trump for President. Hell these self-serving ghouls would vote for Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy - rather than vote for Hilary Clinton
‘Christie Creme’ donuts turned up the heat in gov’s office, Bridgegate testimony reveals
“Nobody respects women more than I do.” is now a laugh line and especially brutal for a female politician supporting Trump. Get Trump to repeat that in the debate and the crowd will go nuts.
Excepting that she didn’t.
She only condemned the remarks.
ETA: In the 15 minutes since I posted-- apparently Ayotte reversed course.
A ® profile in courage after dipping her foot in very hot water.
She did. She announced she will write in Pence’s name for P.
That’s President, not the other word:)
Video is forever.
lYes indeed.
“Ayotte says she is dropping her support for Donald Trump and plans to write in vice presidential running mate Mike Pence’s name for president.”
Doubt it … she will morph her stance again before the election.
MSNBC Live 10/8/16
Pence will not attend WI Fall Fest with Ryan
Donald Trump’s campaign senior advisor, Boris Epshteyn, talks to NBC’s Kristen Welker about the recent news that Mike Pence will not attend the Wisconsin Fall Fest with Speaker Paul Ryan. He also responds to recent calls by Republicans for Trump to drop out of the race.
Thanks Republican!
At the risk of repeating myself:
Take a bow, Republicans.
You fought for unlimited money in elections, since money = free speech.
You mocked community organizers and yearned for a businessman who would run government like a business.
You detest civility and “political correctness” in favor of crudely and obnoxiously “telling it like it is.”
You reject the spirit of compromise in favor of misleading attack ads and the politics of personal destruction.
You want a president you can have a beer with, and who doesn’t talk like he’s smarter than you.
You attack public education, teacher’s unions, the arts and humanities, academics and the “cultural elites” in favor of dumbed-down and simplistic “common sense.”
You attack mainstream media and public broadcasting in favor of ratings-driven hate radio shock jocks and Fox News.
You reject cultural and ethnic diversity in favor of “real Americans” and demonize immigrants as violent disease-infected marauders who steal jobs from Americans.
You celebrate intolerance, bigotry and hatred as “religious freedom” and “traditional family values.”
You elect clueless, unaccountable anti-government motormouths with no loyalty to their constituents in a misguided effort to rein in the “government overreach” of “career politicians.”
With each new iteration and election cycle you have managed to further coarsen and debase the level of civic discourse and political participation.
Having made “liberal” a slur, you now have made “moderate” an epithet worthy of derision.
And now, as your party leaders cringe powerlessly, you cheer on the unprecedented spectacle of a yahoo and vulgarian, a cartoonish reality TV “boss” with national name recognition, notoriety and multi-billions at his disposal making a mockery of not only your primaries but our country’s entire electoral process.
Congratulations, Republicans, on the fulfillment and culmination of your efforts.
At long last, take a bow.
I heard that Catholics are also a lost cause for Trump
That’s not a surprise to me at all.
Yeah, but what about when Hillary gave that speech at Goldman Sachs and sexually harrassed those women, and bragged that she could get away with it because she’s famous, and then grabbed that woman by her pussy?
Wake up sheeple!
That’s right, froggies, come on in, the water’s fine.
Just a little bit warm …
All just words and because they are REPUGS just cheap words… I’ll wait for actions… I imagine I’ll have a long wait.
Well, you are really on target with this comment. I just heard a reporter covering the Trump campaign say that most Republicans are waiting to see what happens in tomorrow night’s debate. They are hoping Trump can pull off a miracle (or likely secretly hoping that Hillary has a stroke or something) - if he doesn’t, then they will decide if they will continue to support him. That doesn’t sound like taking a stand for morality or having principles, does it??
Her trustworthiness is still a bit of an issue:
At a speech for Morgan Stanley on April 18, 2013, Clinton praised the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction plan — > which would reduce corporate tax rates while raising the Social Security age. “But Simpson-Bowles — and I know you heard from Erskine earlier today — put forth the right framework. Namely, we have to restrain spending, we have to have adequate revenues, and we have to incentivize growth. It’s a three-part formula,” she said.
vs. her website:
I won’t cut Social Security. … I’ll defend it, and I’ll expand it.
Hillary, February 5, 2016
Or where she views herself on the political spectrum:
“I take a backseat to no one when you look at my record in standing up and fighting for progressive values.”
(She) described her place on the political spectrum as spanning from the center-left to the center-right.
Or on universal healthcare where in public she praises a Scandinavian model in public:
“If you look at the single-payer systems, like Scandinavia, Canada, and elsewhere, they can get costs down because, you know, although their care, according to statistics, overall is as good or better on primary care."
but in front of wealthy donors, she mocks people who think
“we just need to, you know, go as far as, you know, Scandinavia, whatever that means, and half the people don’t know what that means”.
I would belabor the point by contrasting her public remarks on TPP, NAFTA, and Keystone, vs. her remarks to wealthy people. But I will leave you with this:
Clinton also told a housing trade group in 2013 that on certain issues, she has “a public and a private position.” “If everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least,” said Clinton. “So, you need both a public and a private position.”
I know that Trump is a vile racist misogynist classist grifter who should never be in any position of power, and he should never be in government, much less President, and is no doubt guilty of serious crimes, both personal and financial. But let’s not pretend that HRC’s reputation for dishonesty is made up out of whole cloth.